Monday, September 22, 2008

Who do you want to be President?

No one will do well in all situations. But think back through history and decide who would you have wanted to be President back then, Obama or McCain?

(1) Commander of the Revolutionary troops.
(2) Offers of Louisiana and Alaska territories.
(3) During the Civil War.
(4) During World War I.
(5) At the start of the Great Depression.
(6) Hitler entering the Rhineland. Japan's conquest of the east.
(7) Fixing the Great Depression.
(8) During World War II.
(9) Iraq War one, Saddam's invading Kuwait.
(10) After 9/11.


Anonymous said...

In all those and any other situation Obama is obviously, and by far, better than McCain to lead and make decisions. As a matter of fact almost everyone I know would be more qualified than McCain, and definitely Palin, to lead in any of those situations, yet no one I know or whom I've ever met would be better than Obama, we are lucky as a nation to have the chance to elect someone like Obama to be our President, let's not blow it again.

You'd have to really hate America, the World and life itself to vote republican this time after it is now so so obvious, even if you did work for an oil company or military contractor. I mean really I trust Bush II with the nuclear codes much more than McCain, and we're all lucky he didn't blow us all up, and as for Palin, if she's President, nuclear war is inevitable.

Common Sense Joe said...

It might be more helpful to explain why you believe that. Example: Biden was favoring splitting in Iraq in three pieces, in the Civil War he may favored splitting the U.S. into North and South. Or, since Obama and Biden are both lawyers, they might have tried to find an accord with Hitler when he enter the Rhineland, like Chamberlain. Whereas, McCain, might have responded like Bush I during Saddam's invasion of Kuwait, and tried to stop Hitler before he became too big.