Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Why Palin?

I have been asked why I am interested in Sarah Palin? Basically, because the left is trying to destroy her.

When McCain choose her to be V.P. my first thoughts were: McCain knows he going to lose to Obama and this was a gesture to woman. But after doing some research I thought she was better candidate than Obama. But I am a conservation on defense and finance.

The country was in a mood to get rid of Bush and Republicans. Obama ran a good primary was almost assured a victory. But McCain pick of Palin put him ahead briefly. Instead of just allowing the post convention bump to subside, the "liberal" left and media went out to try to destroy her.

After McCain mishandled the financial "crisis," he sunk in the polls and Obama won as expected.

So Palin should have retreated to obscurity, finish out a term or two in Alaska and then return to national prominence. But the left saw something they couldn't handle. A woman who walked the conservative walk. An intelligent, pretty woman who didn't have an abortion, who fought against corruption and believed in conservative values. They had to continue the verbal assaults in the national media and attacking her with ethics lawsuits. Thus making her a martyr to the conservative cause.

What impresses me most is her positive attitude. She doesn't go out to seek to destroy her adversaries, but turns lemons into lemonade by becoming a best-seller author.

I don't know if she wants to be President, but I know she will continue to be a thorn in the side to the liberal left and east-west coast elitists.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Another Hit Job on Palin on 60 minutes

Steve Schmidt and the authors of the new book, Game Change, going for another hit job on Palin. Schmidt was the one who believed Joe Liberman would be acceptable to the GOP faithful. He places everything in the most negative way. Take for example the debate prep. He says people were telling him she was overwhelmed and unprepared. But then admits she did well in the debate.

The people at CBS and Schmidt must be really afraid of Palin.

Update: The book mentions Biden also had a horrible debate prep, why didn't 60 Minutes cover that? 2/3 of program was devoted to Palin, with most of the rest devoted to Hillary. Why not cover what the book said about Reid (which other media carried)? Bill Clinton?