Friday, February 12, 2010

Why does the MSM protect Obama?

The MSM is attacking Palin for writing notes on her hand. Remember these? Not if all you watch is the MSM.

Are there 58 states?

Remember Bush with "nuclear" or Qualye with potato? Three times he mispronounced corpsman (kôr′mən). Shouldn't a Commander-in-Chief know how to pronounce it?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Health Care Cuban Style

Cuban authorities are investigating the deaths of 26 patients

"Human rights activists blamed the deaths on negligence and the dilapidated state of the hospital."

Broder on Palin

Sarah Palin displays her pitch-perfect populism

"The snows that obliterated Washington in the past week interfered with many scheduled meetings, but they did not prevent the delivery of one important political message: Take Sarah Palin seriously.

Her lengthy Saturday night keynote address to the National Tea Party Convention in Nashville and her debut on the Sunday morning talk show circuit with Fox News' Chris Wallace showed off a public figure at the top of her game -- a politician who knows who she is and how to sell herself, even with notes on her palm. "

Palin on Fox News Sunday Before Tea Party Address

Sunday, February 7, 2010