Saturday, March 27, 2010

Health Care Bill Notes

I was watching a Democrat governor from a North State stating that the Lobbyists had prevented a lot things he wished would be in the bill (like getting drugs from Canada). I wish the reporter had asked him, "Which of the Democratic legislators who voted yes on the bill are in the pockets of these lobbyists?"

My thoughts: I buy health insurance to protect me from health care bills over $100,000 and to keep the costs of bills when I visit the hospital. Those without insurance are sometimes charged 3 times what those who have an insurance. Just like I don't buy car insurance to pay for car washes, gasoline, and oil changes; I don't buy health insurance to pay for doctor visits, etc.

Good news, in the future (2014?) I will no longer have to buy insurance. If I get a major illness I can buy a policy then, since there will no longer be any denial for pre-existing conditions. And though the law states there will be a fine for those without insurance (up to $325 or 2.8%? of household income), the law also states that the IRS cannot place on liens, interests, etc. So if you aren't bother by the IRS calling you, there is nothing else they can do.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Health Care Bill Passes

He is my prediction: This bill will be considered the worst action by the Congress since Prohibition.

True there are some good parts, like Democrats like to quote polls about, but as a whole this bill is a disaster.

The mandate to require people to buy insurance is unconstitutional. To require someone to buy a product or service is in essence slavery. If this provision is upheld by the courts, you can just throw away the Constitution.

Some like to say it is equivalent to buying auto insurance. But it is more like forcing people who don't have cars to buy auto insurance because they might one day buy a car or ride in a taxi. Also auto insurance does not pay for gas or oil changes.