Saturday, October 10, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Joke on the Nobel Peace Prize

Nominated with just 2 weeks of his Presidency, the Nobel Peace Prize confirmed the Joke it is with the Selection of Obama. He joins others that show just the aspiration of the committee, like Al Gore, International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed ElBaradei, Jimmy Carter, Kofi Annan, and Yassar Arafat. What was one considered a meaningful prize is now just a farce.

Did Code Pink show it true partisan colors?

Code Pink Supports Afghanistan War?

"The staunch women's anti-war group Code Pink has advocated complete withdrawal of troops from both Iraq and Afghanistan. The group has organized countless protests and even one Code Pinker with blood-colored hands called then-Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice a war criminal during a congressional hearing in 2007.

But one report says the group is now rethinking its position on the Afghanistan war. The Christian Science Monitor reports that during a recent trip to Kabul, local Afghan women told Code Pinkers the situation is a lot more complicated than they think. Afghan member of Parliament and women’s activist Shinkai Karokhail told the group's founders: "In the current situation of terrorism, we cannot say troops should be withdrawn."

Those concerns convinced the founders that setting a deadline is not in Afghanistan's best interest. Medea Benjamin, Code Pink co-founder, said: "We would leave with the same parameters of an exit strategy but we might perhaps be more flexible about a timeline... So many people are saying that, 'If the U.S. troops left — the country would collapse. We'd go into a civil war.' A palpable sense of fear, that is making us start to reconsider that.""

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


"Self-ownership (or sovereignty of the individual, individual sovereignty or individual autonomy) is the concept of property in one's own person, expressed as the moral or natural right of a person to be the exclusive controller of his or her own body and life. According to G. Cohen, the concept of self-ownership "says that each person enjoys, over himself and his powers, full and exclusive rights of control and use, and therefore owes no service or product to anyone else that he has not contracted to supply"


Some have traced the concept of self-ownership to certain individuals such as John Locke, who said, the individual "has a right to decide what would become of himself and what he would do, and as having a right to reap the benefits of what he did."[2] Or, as stated more succinctly by Locke, "every man has a Property in his own Person."[3]

Sovereign-minded individuals usually assert a right of private property external to the body with the reasoning that if a man owns himself then he owns his actions, including those which create or improve resources; he therefore owns both his own labor and the fruits thereof.[4]

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Inflation Ahead?

There are rumors that the world will drop the dollar as the global currency. What does that mean to you? Instead of using dollars to buy oil, the U.S. will have to exchange the dollar for other currencies. With China owning $2 trillion dollars, and the oil exporting holding another $2 trillion, don't expect a quick move (some say the switch will occur in nine years). But what are they going to do with the dollars? If they dump them, the value of the dollar decrease and all imports (like oil) will increase. This will result in inflation in the U.S.

Why would they do this? Because they a see a country going deeper to debt and spending beyond in means. The porkulus bill, health-care, cap-and-trade are all hurting the U.S. The question is whether the U.S. can increase non-agricultural exports significantly given a cheaper dollar.

Of course the enemies of the U.S. favor this. As the U.S. goes deeper into debt it will have to stop defending the world, giving them greater opportunities to cause mischief / expand influence. The extreme-right and extreme-left will demand the retreat of the military all around the world. Of course this will be followed by reducing aid to countries, and eventually possibly retreating to an isolationist policy.

Obama's School Safety Czar

"“Jennings wrote that in 1988, when he was a high school teacher, he was approached by a 15-year-old boy who said he had become involved with an older man. Instead of notifying the boy’s parents or any authorities, Jennings instead offered the boy advice: ‘I hope you used a condom.’”

King: Czar pushing 'homosexuality'

"King’s claim: Jennings promoted “homosexuality” in elementary schools by penning a foreword for a book titled — I kid you not — “The Queering of Elementary Education.”"