Friday, April 2, 2010

Obama Mocks Republican 'Armageddon' Rhetoric

You may have seen the above video. However, signing the health care bill is more like planting kudzu. Kudzu was once thought beneficial but is now considered a pest weed costing $500 million a year to control.

Congressman doesn't care about Constitution

Congressman: 'I Don’t Worry About the Constitution' on Health Care Overhaul

When the people who take an oath to uphold the Constitution don't care, then this nation is in trouble. If the peaceful people protests, like those of the Tea Parties, are ignored by those in power, then don't be surprised if some people take a more active approach.

There are many groups, both left and right, that will use this discontent to try to fracture this nation. Did the people in the 1840's anticipate the Civil War? By the time the policies of this leftist controlled Congress are fully felt will we be able to step back from the brink? Many people will not allow their liberty to be taken from them.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Do Not Be Fooled - Obama allows "exploration".

No permits until 2012? This is probably just a way to get his cap-and-trade bill passed. Just like his promise to have the health care negotiations on C-SPAN, this is a promise that can be easily broken.

When actual drilling is able to begin he can change his mind again, probably right after the 2012 elections. Why not drill in the oil rich Pacific and known oil-rich areas in Alaska? Why not ANWR? Could it be that Virginia and the southern east cost vote Republican, and California, Oregon and Washington vote Democratic?