Friday, September 26, 2008

Bailout - more democrats involved.

Countrywide Financial, which sold it loans to Fannie Mae, gave:

Fannie Vice Chairman Jamie Gorelick (of 9/11 fame) at 10 year loan at 5% for $960,149.
Frank Raines (Fannie Mae CEO) 10 year, 5.125%, $982,253.
Senator Dodd 5 year, 4.25%, $506,000.
Fannie CEO James Johnson, 5 year, 3.875%, $971,650.
Fannie COO Daniel Mudd, 7 year, 4.250%, $2,965,000.

"The borrowers all say they weren't aware of getting special treatment."


Anonymous said...

What did they borrow the money for and have they paid it back??? or a part of it back?? Dodd though one of the better senators, which is not hard to do since we the people elect mostly corrupt business men, is known to be licking the boots of the banking industry, yet he's one of the best senators we got, what a sorry state our senate is in!!! at least he defends our civil rights well.

Common Sense Joe said...

The fact they may have gotten a lower interest rate than market means they saved thousands of dollars on interest payments.