Saturday, August 15, 2009

Does he even know what he is saying?

Obama: "Every time was are in sight of health insurance reform, the special interest fight back with everything they got. They use their influence, they run their ads. And their political allies try to scare the heck out of everybody. We can't let them do that again."

The special interest, the drug companies, are running ads on TV (Harry and Louise) supporting reform. While most people with insurance are happy with their insurance plan, they are trying to scare people in a radical reform.

They say can "save" 60% of the increase expected cost by eliminating fraud and waste. If it was so easy, why hasn't it been before now?

They say 45.7 million (2007) do not have insurance. 9.7 million were not citizens.

An "estimated that about 14 million of the uninsured were eligible for Medicaid and SCHIP" link

"In addition, some of the 46 million could theoretically afford health coverage, but chose not to purchase any. In 2007, 17.6 million of the uninsured had annual incomes of more than $50,000 and 9.1 million earned more than $75,000. "

"The Census figures also show that 18.3 million of the uninsured were under 34. Some in this age group may have simply determined that they are young and healthy and thus can do without coverage. "

Will this be the future of government care?

Death Drugs Cause Uproar in Oregon

"The 64-year-old Oregon woman, whose lung cancer had been in remission, learned the disease had returned and would likely kill her. Her last hope was a $4,000-a-month drug that her doctor prescribed for her, but the insurance company refused to pay.

What the Oregon Health Plan did agree to cover, however, were drugs for a physician-assisted death. Those drugs would cost about $50. "