Thursday, September 18, 2008

Biden says it is patriotic to pay more taxes.

“We want to take money and put it back in the pocket of middle class people,” Biden said today during an appearance on Good Morning America. “Anyone making over $250,000…” the host began to question, “Is going to pay more,” Biden interjected. “You got it. It’s time to be patriotic, Kate. It’s time to jump in, it’s time to be part of the deal, it’s time to help get America out of the rut.”

Is redistribution of wealth patriotic?


Anonymous said...

Biden says its patriotic for the wealthy to pay more taxes but he want to lower taxes for those making 250K or less.

Anonymous said...

I am against Redistribution of the Wealth, the Republicans have been stealing from the middle classes every time they obtain power, and they've had a lot of power since Reagan...this redistribution of wealth from the poor and middle classes to the wealthy is unfair, unjust and immoral, I think it is about time that the working classes rise up and take back what Wall Street, Halliburton and Exxon have stolen from them...approximately 90 trillion dollars since Reagan. That's a lot of solar panels and wind turbines. That's also free healthcare and free college for everyone. That's what they have in Europe and we have had twice the economy they've had over the last 40 years, yet they do a lot more with a lot less??? Why because they vote socialist a lot more than they vote conservative, we do the opposite.