Saturday, September 20, 2008

High School Dropout Crisis


"In several of the largest school systems across the country -- from Baltimore to Cleveland to Atlanta and Oakland, Calif. -- half of the students are dropping out."

"A recent study by the Department of Education found that 31 percent of American students were dropping out or failing to graduate in the nation's largest 100 public school districts."


Anonymous said...

Finland which has the best secondary school system in the World pays its teachers almost 5 times more than what America pays its teachers, in Finland if you want to teach highschool you need to be a PhD, in Finland being a teacher is just as respected on the social scale as being a Doctor, a Lawyer or CEO. In Finland the students have fun learning, want to learn.

Its not too complicated good teachers produce good students.

Common Sense Joe said...

Just saw this, "Gunman kills 10, self in Finnish school shooting "