Friday, September 19, 2008

Poll Results

Should Hillary replace Biden as VP? 77% No, 22% Yes (7-2)

Should Obama have done the town hall meetings? 50% Yes, 37% No- Too many debates, 12% No - that's McCain turf, (4-3-1)


Anonymous said...

Why are we interested in whether or not Hillary should be VP??? It's over, no longer relevant to decision making process. We should discuss more relavant things like why the Glass Steagal act was repealed and should we bring it back? If Obama loses the election it won't be because of not picking Hillary, it will be because either the majority of Americans are irrevocably brainwashed or because the voting machines are rigged (30% of the vote) and the fact that 15% of the population, mostly immigrant and black, can't vote because they don't have a driver's license or a stable address.

This means Obama needs to win over 90% of the remaining 70% of the voting population, assuming the voting machines are rigged to vote Republican to a degree of 15% or more.

Common Sense Joe said...

Because there was news speculation the Biden should be replaced. Statements form Biden, like Hillary would have been a better a choice fuels this speculation.