Thursday, October 30, 2008

The words of Obama.

"We have done everything that has been asks of us under the FCC guidelines." Obama.

What he doesn't say, is that, although used by Clinton and McCain, he doesn't check to see that name of his donor matches the address. What he doesn't say is that money can be funneled into his campaign from illegal donors. He hasn't listed the name all the donors, just the ones required by the FCC. He doesn't tell you that some can get buy a debit card with cash, thus skating the total limit a person can donate to his campaign.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

who cares where he gets his money this time around, the important thing is he gets elected, America is in desperate need of moral competent leadership, Obama has had to compromise on his true values in order to get elected, its like fighting against the Nazis in WWII, its immoral to kill but when the choice is between not killing Nazis or living under fascist Nazism sometimes you have to do what is less immoral...on a lesser scale it is more important that Obama become our President and if he has to go against his principles on taking money so be it, this time...but I'm sure he'll fix this for the future.