Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Most Viewed Political Video

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but this is fascist propaganda...we are not fighting for freedom we are fighting for oil and we are fighting for oil because we the stupid people allowed Dick Cheney and George Bush to lead us, as well as electing too many Republicans to Congress... Bin Laden, who supposedly is behind 9/11 (though I'm sure he had to have had help to penetrate a multi-trillion dollar defense system)is still on the run and instead of going after him we bombed and occupied a country that hated Bin Laden and Saudi extremism...killing and maiming millions of children in the process and using Nazi like methods of torture and concentration camps like the Nazis did...this is NOT about freedom this is about the American people getting the government we deserved. Google IVAW Iraq Veterans Against the War to hear the truth, the real truth about Iraq. This guy is a fascist Republican pawn in a sick chess game.