Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Poll Results - 2nd McCain Obama Debate

Was it a good debate? 50% No, 50% Average (2-2)
Who won the debate? 50% Obama, 25% McCain, 25% Tie (2-1-1)


Anonymous said...

Heads up pre-debate post:
These talking points are what Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Anderson Cooper, Campbell Brown, and others will be following, verbatim, tonight, tomorrow, and for the rest of the week. These came directly from the Obama campaign, and I've been hearing them all morning! Here’s what Obama has instructed the media to say for him:

obama Talking Points
· This is John McCain’s last chance to turn this race around and somehow convince the American people that his erratic response to this economic crisis doesn’t disqualify him from being President.

· Just this weekend the weekend, John McCain vowed to “whip Obama’s you-know-what” at the debate, and he’s indicated that he’ll be bringing up Bill Ayers to try to distract voters.

· So we know that Senator McCain will come ready to attack Barack Obama and bring his dishonorable campaign tactics to the debate stage.

Obama continues to lead on the economic crisis with a rescue plan for Main Street.

* Over the course of the campaign, Barack Obama has laid out a set of policies that will grow our middle class and strengthen our economy.

* But he knows we face an immediate economic emergency that requires urgent action — on top of the plans he’s already laid out — to help workers and families and communities struggling right now.

* That’s why Barack Obama is introducing a comprehensive four-part Rescue Plan for the Middle Class — to immediately to stabilize our financial system, provide relief to families and communities, and help struggling homeowners.

* This is a plan that can and should be implemented immediately.

* Obama has shown steady leadership during this crisis and offered concrete solutions to move the country forward and his Rescue Plan for the Middle Class builds on the plans to strengthen the economy and rebuild the middle class that he’s laid out over the course of this campaign.

* Already in this campaign, he’s unveiled plans to give 95 percent of workers and their families a tax cut, eliminate income taxes for seniors making under $50,000, bring down the cost of health care for families and businesses; and create millions of new jobs by investing in the renewable energy sources.

* John McCain has been erratic and unsteady since this crisis began — staggering from position to position and trying to change the subject away from the economy by launching false character attacks.

Anonymous said...

Post debate thoughts.

Man, that was another snoozefest, with both guys repeating their talking points ad nauseum. obama reinforced his megalomania for all to see amidst a disturbing smugness. He didn't speak to a single black issue -- crime, murder, theft, out-of-wedlock pregnancy, hostility toward education, rampant black racism, violent black muslims. Neither spoke on immigration -- who killed that issue!

obama clearly lost because, as usual, he was answering his own questions with talking points rather than addressing the question the sneiffer (?) asked. He brushed off ayers in typical black fashion, as blacks are comfortable with letting criminals off the hook.

McCain lost this election, however narrowly, when he voted for the Bush/Democrat bailout. With no one to stand for them, voters will likely elect for a Reaganized slogan: "change."

PS: Why was FoxNews asking people to text in on who won the debate a third of the way in?

Anonymous said...

zaine, from your comments it seems you really hate Obama, why? Is it because he's black? Because he wants to help the poor and oppressed in this country? Is it because you make more than 250K and don't want to pay more taxes? Warren Buffet who stands to lose billions in taxes is supporting Obama! So are Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, millionaire actressess and actors, almost every rich American I know personally also supports Obama despite the fact they know they will pay more in taxes...yet they think its better than having a worthless dollar which will cost them even more than the tax loss if Obama loses...can't see why you're so negative on Obama he seems like a God send to America, especially for our reputation as Americans, that has been utterly trashed around the World by Bush. Don't you want the rest of the World to respect us again???? Obama will probably make the rest of the world forgive in one instant our atrocities in Iraq, Vietnam, South America, Lebanon, the Philippines...everything... we will in an instant become possibly the most respected nation on Earth if Obama wins, from the now most hated since Bush, don't you want that?

Common Sense Joe said...

Buffet and Gates do not pay taxes. They give so much in charitable contributions they do not contribute to the government coffers. Buffet fought against small planes paying the same landing fees as large airlines, even though they take the same amount of resources. Buffet is for taxes as long as he doesn't have to pay them.

Anonymous said...

"Mr Buffett, who is worth an estimated $52 billion (£26 billion), said: “The 400 of us [here] pay a lower part of our income in taxes than our receptionists do, or our cleaning ladies, for that matter. If you’re in the luckiest 1 per cent of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99 per cent.”

Mr Buffett said that he was taxed at 17.7 per cent on the $46 million he made last year, without trying to avoid paying higher taxes, while his secretary, who earned $60,000, was taxed at 30 per cent. Mr Buffett told his audience, which included John Mack, the chairman of Morgan Stanley, and Alan Patricof, the founder of the US branch of Apax Partners, that US government policy had accentuated a disparity of wealth that hurt the economy by stifling opportunity and motivation."

"Mr Buffett, who runs the investment group Berkshire Hathaway and is widely regarded as the world’s most successful investor, said that he was a Democrat because Republicans are more likely to think: “I’m making $80 million a year – God must have intended me to have a lower tax rate.”

Mr Buffett said that a Republican proposal to eliminate elements of inheritance tax, which raises about $30 billion a year from the assets of about 12,000 rich families, would broaden the disparity between rich and poor. He added that the Republicans would seek to recover lost revenue by increasing taxes for the less prosperous.

He said: “You could take that $30 billion and give $1,000 to 30 million poor families. Or should you favour the 12,000 estates and make 30 million families pay an extra $1,000?”

Common Sense Joe said...

He rate is less because his social security portion is less. Social Security is supposed to be the same for all, give a small amount, get back a small amount. Changing the tax rate, i.e. paying taxes on all income earned, changes Social Security from an insurance program to a welfare program. Some Democrats believe that is the first to eliminating it.

Anonymous said...

You said "Buffet and Gates do not pay taxes."

Common Sense Joe said...

They have to pay taxes on Social Security. They pay property and sales tax. But they give so much to Gate's charitable organization, I doubt they have a net income tax. Maybe they are good citizens and sold their stock and gave the government it's share and then didn't take a charitable contribution, but I doubt that.