Monday, October 13, 2008

Bad Behavior

For those you complained about bad behavior at McCain rallies. I wonder if the main stream media is going to mention this. By the way, the word rhymes with hunt. I am suprised a woman would wear that. For those that can not read the green lettering it says, "Sarah Palin is a C***"


Anonymous said...

Doesn't it surprise you that these people have gone nuclear on this woman? Is the reason that she directly threatens obama's "judgment over experienceJ" argument? Is it the same ugly sexism we saw used against Hillary? (Remember, they said she was bitch who should have divorced Bill for getting a BJ, and only got elected because of the BJ, had fat ankles, showed too much cleavage (hill has cleavage?), and turned out to be a dirty stinkin' racist who did black people wrong according to J.Wright.) Is it because she doesn't rerun the same old phony con arguments on flag burning, rabid anti-abortion, god-belief, gays, and school prayer?

If nothing else, it shows what kind of behavior obama-the-messiah inspires in his followers. I'm sure father pfleger approves.
If only we could switch the ticket, and let Palin be on top!

Common Sense Joe said...

By your logic, then anything bad said by the crowd at McCain campaigns is being said by Democrats trying to make the Republicans look bad.