Thursday, October 16, 2008

More Media Bias

Joe "the plumber" ask Obama about how his taxes would be increased if he bought a business. Obama made an unfortunate comment sharing his philosophy about "sharing the wealth". Well this hasn't gone down well with some of the public. So now the media is digging up dirt on "Joe". That he hasn't achieved his plumber licence and that he had a tax lien in the past. Just shows you have to be careful getting in front of the liberal media steamroller.

By the way, it appears a reporter was mistaken when he thought he heard someone shot "kill him" at a Palin rally.

A senior Secret Service agent said allegations that a man yelled 'kill him" when Barack Obama's name was referenced Tuesday during a Sarah Palin rally are "unfounded," reports the, a Northeastern Pennsylvania news agency.

Agent Bill Slavoski -- who was standing in the audience along with other Secret Service agents during the rally in Scranton, Pa. -- said neither he nor the other officers heard the comment, according to the report published Thursday.

"said he could not find anyone other than the Scranton Times-Tribune's reporter to corroborate the story."


Anonymous said...

At first I felt sorry for Joe the Plumber getting caught in the media glare -- he didn't ask for Obama to knock on his door -- but today he freely went before all the cameras to espouse his views, so I think he's a bit more "fair game" now. It's not just a "former lien," he still owes back taxes, and I think you ought to pay your taxes can be justified in complaining about them. More important, he was wrong: He would be better off under Obama's plan than McCain's. Today, Joe th Plumber posited, "Should you pay more just because you're successful?" Well, yes. Who do you think should pay more, the people who afford to or the people struggling just to get by?

Common Sense Joe said...

The rich do pay more, in fact, they pay most of the income taxes. But to take more out of each additional dollar earned creates two incentives: finding ways to avoid paying any taxes, and not making any additional money. Why would a person work more if the government takes 66-90% of it. Currently it is 35% federal, state taxes (some over 9%), some have city taxes (1%). Then when you use your money you might face 8 to 10% sale tax rate. Now Obama wants to add social security taxes (15%) on all earnings, and increase the top bracket to at least 39.6%, and increase the capital gain taxes. While this may bring in more revenue initially, it will eventually decrease revenue as people and companies find ways to escape paying taxes.

Anonymous said...

Problem is, the current American tax burden is suffocating us. My wife has a great job, makes good money, and when all the state/fed/local/property taxes and fees are combined at the end of each year, she pays between 47-53% of her gross income in taxes. And this doesn't include government-forced insurance coverage.

We're in a deep recession that looks like it will last and renew itself in waves over the next few years, and the country itself is in virtually incalculable debt.

And obama's solution? New and higher taxes to pay for a $1.2 trillion in new spending on crap like education (the more money we spend on education, the worse and more expensive it gets!). He doesn't offer one specific spending cut on his website. Not a SINGLE ONE! Oy.