Thursday, October 16, 2008

McCain says would eliminate ethanol tariff

Eliminating the ethanol tariff is a good idea. It keeps gasoline prices high. It encourages the use of corn for fuel, which increases food prices. Not only are corn prices higher, so is the price of everything that eats corn, like chicken and hogs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a good thing, corn for biofuel is really stupid, what I don't understand is why the Republicans elected Bush over McCain in the last primaries, McCain was so much better than Bush on so many things, I really like McCain he should be in the Democratic Party, of course I've already voted for Obama for the sake of the country and I would dread a McCain presidency because his views on war, Vietnam, the economy, health care, education, etc., are so wrong yet far better than Bush's, and the fact he picked Palin really showed poor judgement... he could have perhaps won if he picked a Feingold type for VP though maybe there isn't anyone that competent in the Republican party, yet he is far and away the person in the Republican party with the most integrity. Why Republicans didn't choose him over Bush says alot about the Republican electorate. Its really a shame this guy chose the Republican party, this neocon extreme right evangelist party has really corrupted him unfortunately, he's going to lose since he's up against probably the best candidate the Democrats have put up since Kennedy, no way anyone could beat Obama, not even Hillary who was also excellent, yet I hope he loses with class and doesn't totally destroy his reputation in his quest for power and stays in the Senate he deserves to stay, he at least gives the Republican party something to respect.