Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pelosi Watch

House Speaker Pelosi Used Political Donations to Pay Husband's Firm

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi paid her husband's real estate and investment firm nearly $100,000 from her political action committee over the past decade, a practice that she voted to ban last year and that her party condemned as part of the "culture of corruption" when Republicans did it."

Pelosi paid husband with PAC funds


MsAnthrope said...

Because that bill didn't pass then she figured if you can't beat'em, join'em.

Anonymous said...

I liked what Pelosi said, Clinton had a surplus that if Bush continued his economic policies we'd have a 5+ trillion surplus, we could sure use that surplus now! Why not have a Brownback and Roberts watch! I'd like to watch our senators!

Common Sense Joe said...

When they are in the news for corruption or hypocrisy I will start a watch.