Thursday, October 2, 2008

Open Forum - Palin Biden Debate

My impression is that Palin won. Liberals will not be swayed, but undecideds might. Palin performance was great compared to her recent appearance with Katie Couric.


Anonymous said...

I think Biden and the moderator took it easy on Palin, they could have pressed her on so many subjects she knows nothing about or actually has her facts wrong, but didn't, the fact that she did not get pressed like Couric pressed her made her look a bit better but it was still obvious how enormously incompetent she is to be VP and heaven forbid Pres.

MsAnthrope said...

She was much better this time but still didn't say anything to make me think she could handle the office. And she did not win the debate by any stretch of the imagination.

Anonymous said...

But wait, according to obama supporters, we were told that palin was a blithering idiot who should have acid thrown in her face for merely opposing "the chosen one" (remember, Hillary & Bill were racists to them)!

She won. Biden was insufferable, and as she pointed out, given that senators vote 12 times on every bill, Biden was able to be BOTH for and against every issue that the biased ifill tossed his way.