Friday, October 3, 2008

ACORN and Suspicious Voter Registration


Anonymous said...

Sounds bad, but where's ACORN's response? Or the Obama camp's response? Did Fox even try to get one? Another example of Fox's peculiar definition of "fair and balanced."

Common Sense Joe said...

Not every story needs balance. ACORN may not have responded to a request for interview. When there is a story about Ted Stevens trial, there is not a corresponding opposing opinion.

Fair and balance means commentators are balanced. Hannity works with Colmes. Special Report and Fox News Sunday's panels, usually two democratic leaning panelists with two republican leaning panelists. Two conservatives with two liberals. Unlike others where they might be one conservative or republican with 3 or 4 liberals or democrats. The have Greta Van Susteren, Geraldo Rivera, Clarence Page, Geraldine Ferraro, Mort Kondracke, etc.