Sunday, October 5, 2008

A look into the future. Part Two.

Predicting the future is a dangerous game. If 9/11 had not happened, Bush's presidency would have been a lot different. Without Katrina, his popularity and thus his governing power, might have been much increased.

If McCain is elected he will face a democratic controlled House and Senate. He might have enough votes in the Senate to sustain a veto.

I would suspect a compromise bill would be passed, with lots of subsidies from wind and solar energy projects. I expect oil drilling on the coasts to begin in 18 to 35 months. Building would begin on the Alaska natural gas pipeline through Canada . 40 nuclear power plants would begin building in 24-36 months.

(1) Increase jobs in all energy fronts.
(2) Increase jobs for those running the plants. Nuclear engineers, etc.

Health Care
In the first 100 days, the insurance tax credit would pass. The self-insured would have more money in their pockets. Those uninsured could afford a basic insurance policy. Most of those insured would not see any increase in taxes. More insured would put a temporary strain on the health care system, but would also provide an incentive for more people to enter the field and for foreign medical personal to come to the U.S.

Would basically maintain the present course of action. Troops would gradually be pulled from Iraq if it remains relatively stable.

Earmarks would have to go the appropriation process, possible eliminating 50% of them.


Anonymous said...

Joe, I see it a little differently, and you said it:

It is possible that government will face higher costs on the debt. This will decrease the amount the government can spend on other things.
I think the differences between an obama and mccain administration would be of cultural, not financial, or even economic tone.

Let's face it: the American economy has been crippled by Wall Street greed (google "credit default swap"), an unpaid for extended war, taxes too low to pay for Bush's unfunded entitlement like Medicare Part D and his No Child Left Behind mandate. It doesn't help that American corporations get huge tax credits for shipping our jobs to China, and then another tax credit for flooding our market with China's poor-quality products. Once the factory closes, it never, ever comes back.

Besides all the time spent painting himself as the next reagan and commissioning statues of himself in every public square, obama would immediately kill the investment class with his high taxes. Neither he nor his wife has ever earned a penny that was not given to him. Got money? obama will take it. Making money? obama will tax it. Got a job promotion and increased salary? obama will bump you into the next higher bracket.

McCain will more likely be the better president for this time because not only would he be constrained by a Dem Congress, but by the lack of tax revenue to pay for the budget busters mentioned above. (And I didn't include the monstrous/useless Homeland Security bureaucracy.)

As you say, both will be severely constrained in anything they hope to accomplish because the money's already spent. The most important quality of any president should be: Will he be a good steward of America and its interests?

Truman was;
Eisenhower was;
Kennedy was;
Johnson was not;
Nixon was;
Ford was not;
Carter was not;
Reagan was;
Bush-1 was not;
Clinton was;
Bush-2 has not been.

Common Sense Joe said...

Well, one factory may close, but a more efficient one may open somewhere else. They look for a better business enivronment,it could be another city, state or country.