Friday, September 12, 2008

What is the Bush Doctrine?

Some in the media are trying to make something out of Palin not knowing what the Bush Doctrine was. Check out this article from the Washington Post.


Anonymous said...

Of course Palin doesn't know what the Bush doctrine is, she's a hockey Mom, how many hockey Moms do you know who could answer that? A hockey mom who just happened to get elected Mayor, then Governor of Alaska and now VP and probably later President of the USA.

That would make a great Disney Movie, I'm sure they're working on it already. Hockey Mom becomes President of the USA, what a story! What a great country we live in where an actor can become Govenor of California and then President of the USA and now a Hockey Mom!! How do the Republicans pull this off???

They must be laughing all the way to the banks of Dubai, China and Switzerland, at the incredible stupidity of the American people, apparently their work at the FCC and the Dept of Education as been a great success!!!

If it weren't for the fact that a Palin Presidency would mean certain nuclear holocaust, it would be funny!

Common Sense Joe said...

The same country where Truman and Jackson became president.

Anonymous said...

I disagree, it is not the same country of Truman and Jackson.

During the Jackson years we white people, immigrants from Europe mostly, were slaughtering native Indians left and right because they wouldn't leave the land they'd occupied for thousands of years, so we immigrants had no choice but to murder them, because they wouldn't get of their land, land they thought belonged to everyone equally, land they were willing to share with us... they didn't understand the concept of "property", i.e., that whoever has the bigger guns has the moral right to the land.

America was a differnt place then, and Jackson who allowed the slaughter of Indians, a far greater President than Bush II, who ordered the slaughter of Iraqians and Afghans so we could take their oil, instead of going after Bin Laden???

Jackson was better than Bush because at least he also fought the creation of the Federal reserve bank and won. Keeping the people, the white immigrants anyway, free of bank terrorism, keeping our dollar strong and our economy healthy for the white population at least... unlike Republican administrations since Reagan.

The Country was far different under Truman too, then we were becoming a relatively moral people, compared to the rest of the world, thanks to FDR, Eisenhower and WWII ....there we united against the evil of fascism in Europe and Japan ... Truman, of course, changed our moral compass dramatically to the dark side by dropping nuclear bombs on an already defeated Japan, just so we could claim victory and thus control over Japan by having them surrender directly to us before they surrendered to the Russians who were at their doorstep ready to invade. By murdering half a million mostly innocent civilians in a defeated Japan for the sole reason of controlling politically and economically the future of Japan, Truman put another huge moral stain on America.

America is always changing, it is never the same, sometimes it is good, like it probably will be under Obama and as it was under Jefferson, Lincoln, Kennedy, FDR, Carter...and sometimes it is bad like under Clinton, Reagan... and really bad like under Bush I and II, especially II, and probably will be even worse under McCain/Palin who already talk like fascists wanting to invade Venezuela and Iran for oil.

It is up to us We The People to decide every four years if we want a moral and just America or an evil America. The choice is clear for this next election.