Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A culture of corruption

The Republicans got hammered in the media, repeating the Democrats mantra that the Republicans was a "culture of corruption". Now we see Bill Richardson withdraw his name because of the same pay-for-play allegations that got Blagojevich into trouble. Treasury Secretary-nominee Timothy Geithner didn't pay his taxes, if he was a Republican I would bet the media would hound him to resign.

Hillary Clinton was approved despite potential conflicts of interest created Bill's foreign fundraising. Do you think they media would have been more outraged if this was a Republican administration?


MsAnthrope said...

I think if this was a Republican administration screw up YOU wouldn't even bring this up.

Common Sense Joe said...

LOL I guess you wlll have to wait 4 or 8 years to find out.

Anonymous said...

There are several people in the Obama administration that should not be there, especially Admiral Blair who disobeyed orders from Clinton and gave the green light to top Islamic Indonesian general, Wiranto,to massacre the Christian villages in East Timor, brutally killing thousands including women and children. Why Clinton did not immediately fire Blair after this is really suspect!!! Why Obama hired him is even more suspect????

As for Geitner not paying his taxes is one thing but his incompetence is another many on the left say there are many better more competent choices for this position, really don't understand Obama's pick here either, but Blair, especially Blair, this really makes me wonder about Obama!

Common Sense Joe said...

If true (about Admiral Blair) what does this say about Obama, Clinton and the Democratic Senators who will approve him?

Anonymous said...

I hope it means that Obama thinks Blair is necessary to the security of the USA which supersedes justice concerns in Obama's mind and in his oath to the country, apparently, because Blair should be in jail for war crimes and for disobeying his Commander and Chief Clinton. Yet I can't see how one man could be that essential and irreplaceable even for security so either Obama is compromising his morals or perhaps using Blair now to put him in jail later after he's used him up. I hope the later is the case.
As for congress the Democrats that vote against Blair we can trust and the ones that vote for him we should worry about.