Friday, January 23, 2009


"Do you agree that our actual bombings and even our threats on bombing the people who live in tyrannies keep their tyrants in power?" -Dan

No. Tyrants gain power without the threats, tyrants remain in power when there are no threats. It is true Fidel and Chavez use "threats" to try to divert the attention of ignorant people. But, actual bombings or threats of, do not keep tyrants in power a second longer. Actual bombings may remove tyrants from power, especially if there is a direct hit. Bombings removed Hitler, the empire of Japan. Clinton used the threat of invasion to restore Aristide to power in Haiti.


Anonymous said...

As for Haiti, I admit that the threat of American military intervention to restore democracy, sometimes works like in Haiti and Kosovo but those cases are rare, there are not many cases like that, and those kind of interventions will only come about with a Democrat in power.

Common Sense Joe said...
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Common Sense Joe said...

Ok, you name me all of what you accept as tyrannies in history (why don't you start with ancient Greece) and I will explain to you why you are wrong.

Anonymous said...

I don't accept tyranny at all, you are trying to play with my words, it is clear from previous posts I hate tyranny and that is why I condemn the US and Europe when they promote tyrannies in other countries so our corporations can more easily exploit and thus take the lion's share of the profits from other people's resources...this involves installing a tyranny like we did in Chile with Pinochet or Iran with the Shah or Iraq with Saddam Hussein or the Philippines with Marcos or Indonesia with Suharto..etc. The above tyrannies are US imposed, however tyrannies exist without our help like in China, Russian and India and even in our own country under Bush, innocent people have been thrown in prison for protesting against Bush fascism. Those on the left I have observed hate tyranny and want freedom for all the world, not just Americans, Republicans want freedom only for America's wealthy, like in most tyrannies around the World, under Bush I felt America was becoming a tyranny, if Palin would have become President I could easily see America becoming a tyranny...this is our difference.

Common Sense Joe said...

God, you are dense. When I said what would you accept as tyrannies, I meant what you considered to be tyrannies. That you think Bush was a tyranny is just unfathomable. BTW, what threat of bombs kept Bush in power? If the U.S. installed tyrannies in Chile and Iran, how did "threat of bombing" keep them in power?
It is too bad you can't form a decent logical position. All your rantings are pure emotion.