Saturday, January 24, 2009

Book: War and Decision by Douglas J. Feith

I saw the author on John Stewart's show. For those who want an inside look of the Pentagon and the War on Terrorism it is a very informative.

Update: I am about half-way through the book now. It was well documented book, with many references to websites. It provides an insight into the divisions between the CIA and State Department and the Defense Department, and how those divisions lead to inaccurate reporting and damaged the war effort.


Anonymous said...

Feith has a history as the quintessential brainwasher to promote the concept of bombing poor oppressed peoples until they become liberated from their respective tyrannies (usually put into power in the first place by hard right American policy chicken hawks) he also promoted the idea of bombing poor third world tyrannies before they become a military threat to the US (funny how doesn't promote bombing strong military tyrannies like Russian or China, which are already a military threat to the USA... no he says bomb only poor defenseless tyrannies that can't fight back) ...he gave these intellectual arguments (all since proven false and poorly thought through)that Rumsfeld and Cheney needed to sell the invasion of Iraq to poorly informed Americans... and it worked, they succeeded in killing over a million Iraqis, a third children under 12, in order to remove this future threat to the USA.

Today the large majority of Iraqis say feel less free under US occupation than under Saddam's tyranny and they feel a hell of a lot more hungry and sick from polluted water, chemicals and disease, at least with the tyranny they had clean water and enough to eat (despite our economic blockade) as long as they didn't criticize the dictator.

They now pray Obama will end the occupation and give them their freedom back and allow them to rebuild the country we destroyed so that Halliburton and Raytheon execs could get rich!

If you read Feith's book what was the message, or insights, Feith was trying to other words why is the book worth reading?

Common Sense Joe said...

Well, Dan, I do not expect you to read the book, because you take your facts from people who do not know anything. Instead of reading someone who had an internal view of a situation, you would rather believe that 9/11 is an inside job. You won't read it because it is intelligently written giving all sides of the arguments.

Common Sense Joe said...

So did know about Feith, or did you just check one of your left-wing websites?

You called him a "quintessential brainwasher", why is that? In his book he makes very good logical arguments. Does making logical arguments mean brainwashing to you?

Anonymous said...

Feith is the the son of a holocaust survivor, though his father was a Democrat, Feith decided to be a Republican, he went to the top Ivy league schools so he went to the top of the Republican party. He's in all the extreme right think tanks. Feith had a privileged life, though his parents suffered horrible atrocities, yet Feith turned out to be far less concerned with justice for his parents suffering than his parents. His parents blame fascism for their suffering, he blames the Palestinians and Iran. Feith is using his influence in the Republican party to give Israel everything it wants including US approval of its unjust occupation of Palestine.

Yet I asked you a simple question if you really read the book and you could not answer? why? Did you read the book? or are you promoting something you haven't even read? If you read the book what is its message or messages, give me something to let me know its worth reading, being on the inside of fascist administration means nothing you can still lie in a book. Feith's parents may have suffered German concentration camps but that doesn't give Feith the right to promote Israeli and American concentration camps. Below is a link to an excerpt from DN on the Israeli concentration camp called Gaza, listen to it and tell me how it differs from the daily life of German concentration camps.

Common Sense Joe said...

Had you read the original blog you would have seen the update.

I am about 2/3 the way through now, but have to reorder from the library.

You say the administration was fascist, yet it peacefully turn power over to Obama. Use should use a different term than fascist.