Thursday, October 23, 2008

Palin on SNL

Lorne Michaels on Palin:
"I think Palin will continue to be underestimated for a while. I watched the way she connected with people, and she's powerful. Her politics aren't my politics. But you can see that she's a very powerful, very disciplined, incredibly gracious woman. This was her first time out and she's had a huge impact. People connect to her."

Alex Baldwin on Palin:
"When you come on a show like that, you are prepared in advance to get worked over. Palin knew that. Palin came on to be a good sport. And she was. She was polite, gracious. (More so than some of the famous actors who come through there, believe me.)"



Anonymous said...

The thing I don't like about Palin is she's too self centered unlike Obama, McCain or Biden...being self centered is great if you're in the entertainment business but very dangerous if you're a public servant. Problem is most, not all (McCain, Paul) Republican politicians are self centered, whereas only about half the Democrats seem to be self centered. Palin however is very self centered.

Common Sense Joe said...
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Common Sense Joe said...

A self-centered person would have an abortion instead of raising a Down-syndrome child. How do you even think she could be self-centered?

Anonymous said...

Yea, Dan, I have to disagree with you there. I don't see evidence of self-centeredness on her part. She seems to be quite centered and thoughtful, unless you go on the one mistake she made in the Couric interview.

The media, however, is full of misogynist sycophants. Her campaign speeches always include a healthy dose of equality talk, something the MSM won't show on their cable channels. But little girls and young women need to hear that message -- women want what men want: equal pay, equal treatment, equal everything. Not special treatment.

However, I see self-centeredness in Michelle Obama. The [white] woman who raised her husband is on her deathbed and what does she do? Take the girls and fly to Ohio to campaign. That's obama's "family" values.

Anonymous said...

Easy she spends 150k in two months on clothes and taxes alaskans so she can take fly her children around for free and she shoots poor helpless moose for fun with and assault for her down syndrome baby, she had no choice but to keep her if she wanted to stay in office so can't say for sure if that was an act of charity or not we will never know until she releases her medical records... she won't release her medical records, which is weird since she is in perfect health... rumour is she had and abortion, she could clear that up by releasing her records, what does she have to hide??? Any way you just have to listen to her talk to know she is self centered, I mean cmon how can anyone that incompetent be willing to risk the future of a nation just so she can put VP of the USA on her resume, if that's not self centered I don't know what is!

Common Sense Joe said...
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Common Sense Joe said...

First she didn't spend it, the RNC did. Just like the campaigns spent money on making their sets to look good. She didn't keep any of the clothes. Second, where are the receipts of Obama and his wife, Biden and McCain?

She is releasing her medical records, Obama hasn't, why not?

Then Obama must be the most-self centered because he wants to be President!!!!!! not V.P. And he has LESS experience then Palin!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So do you think McCain and/or Palin are more qualified to be President than Obama and/or Biden?

Anonymous said...

Did you vote yet? If so whom did you vote for, if not, whom are you going to vote for? I voted Obama/Biden and Democrat all down the line

Common Sense Joe said...

Of course McCain/Palin are more qualified than Obama/Biden. Palin is more qualified than Obama, McCain more than Biden. Biden is a gaffe machine who doesn't appear to know history. His idea of splitting Iraq into 3 parts was not endorsed by anyone. Just look at the posts on Biden.

Common Sense Joe said...

Whom I vote for does not matter. If Obama wins Kansas, he will win more then enough without Kansas. What matters is Penn, Ohio, Florida in this election.