Monday, October 20, 2008

Good and Evil, Part 4 - The nature of reality.

The term God is shorthand for the "first cause", God or Gods that create and control the universe.

It is possible we live in the universe of the spaghetti monster, the Matrix, or a Star Trek holodeck. If this is so, then all our observations and reasoning is base on faulty data. Thus there would be no further discussion. We would be limited to "sacred scriptures" or the words of the holy men. We would be, in effect, no better off than a insane person who cannot trust what appears to be the reality around him.

I prefer to think that if there is a God, he isn't lying to us. For if he is lying to us, then even the words of holy men and "sacred scriptures" cannot be trusted.

There either exists a God or doesn't. It is possible there is no God. But this can never be proven. The existence of God can be proven if he decides to make himself known to us. But a universe in which God is not interested in human affairs would appear the same as one in which there is no God.

Why is God important? Because some people in an existence of some sort of life after death. And they believe that how they live their lives will effect their status after death.

What is the point? To try to find a common basis for good and evil. One that doesn't matter if you pray to God five times a day, once a week or never.


Anonymous said...

What is the point? To try to find a common basis for good and evil. One that doesn't matter if you pray to God five times a day, once a week or never.
Of course, another explanation for such a ground for morality could be biogenetic. Just as we're predisposed to communication via language (however rudimentary its form), maybe the same is true for the chemistry and health of our brains that [normally] prevent us from killing, injuring, or deceiving each other.

When you look at lifelong criminals' brains, they're not the same as the rest of us. Same for women with severe post-partum depression, suicidal folks, etc. If you counter the wrong chemistry with enough drugs, the person calms down, at least until the minute they stop taking the pills!

MsAnthrope said...

Pretty heavy duty thinking going on here guys. Let me just cut to the chase. I am GOOD, Joe is EVIL. :)

Common Sense Joe said...


Anonymous said...

Well, who am I to disagree with that assessment! Joe, we now know where you stand.

Anonymous said...

Personally I believe we are our own Gods, we decide if we want this place, our community, our society, to be good or evil, for us and our children. We can make life on Earth a living hell or a paradise or something in between it's all up to us.

The evidence is all around and back in time, all we have to do is read books on current and past history or travel. In America we have a great evil the military industrial complex, that President Eisenhower, a military man, knew inside out and warned us clearly about in his last speech to the nation, he told us clearly beware of this great evil....we also have a great good, our Bill of Rights and our Constitution which guarantees our freedoms, more or less. I say more or less because we have been duped by the great evil "the military industrial complex" into thinking that it defends our freedoms, it plays upon our fears of communism or terrorism or nazism or socialism or whatever....this great evil then makes us do evil things like My Lai in Vietnam and Haditha, Abu Graib in Iraq, and the countless interventions in South America to kill democracy and freedom there, etc.

What's good about America comes from those who protect our Bill of Rights, people who work for the ACLU, Amnesty Int'l, Michael Moore and Code Pink, Iraq Veterans against the war, the people who get out in the streets and protest against the wars or slavery or oppression of immigrants or animal rights or global warming etc..these are the true heros of freedom, these are the good in America.

I believe McCain is a good man inside, at heart, but he has been "duped" he is controlled by the military industrial complex, he's tried to fight against it but failed time and time again, he's been corrupted by power, Jerry Falwell, voting with Bush on torture after condemning torture, supporting Bush for re-election etc...despite his courage and enormous will power he doesn't have the "liberal ideals" necessary to really defend our Bill of Rights , he believes the ends justifies the means which is a trick of evil ...and besides he's getting old, really old and has been weakened by war and cancer... he'll be replaced by Palin who could care less about the Bill of Rights and protecting protesters in the streets etc...
The great evil in America will have no problem controlling her, she's the perfect puppet.

Obama is an unknown but he's black, really smart and really organized that gives me hope he understands oppression AND can battle it, even though he comes from the "academically elite" he's definitely not from the "wealthy or corrupted elite" this gives me hope he can lead this nation in the direction of good and away from the direction of evil Cheney and Bush took us so far into.

I wish he was running against someone other than McCain because McCain's a good guy, but evil is clever it knows how to dupe, believe me if McCain wins, and he just might, he won't last long and Palin will take over and we'll really regret having voted for McCain, so don't take any chances vote Democrat all the way down the line this time. I already did, you can vote early if you want. Furthermore call everyone you know who's undecided or racist or whatever and explain to them this choice is crucial to the future of America we will be voting between keeping America free and an American version of Nazism because McCain will not survive and the military industrial complex will completely take over with Palin has President, with no turning back... people like Michael Moore and Dennis Kucinich will been thrown in prison, people like Hillary Clinton will keep quiet, you will be thrown in prison or put in Guantanamo like concentration camps unless you are "with us" like Rush Limbaugh and Anne Coulter who will become future "culture ministers" of the "homeland"...this is what the great evil has planned for you if you vote Republican one more time.

Common Sense Joe said...

"Nazism, a short name for National Socialism". So who is closer, Obama the socialist, or Palin?

Anonymous said...

Socialism is a confusing word, Obama is a European style socialist, but Palin doesn't even understand what European socialism is or how it works, she doesn't understand anything, she has no real education, she is the popular girl who gets elected class president or in this case national vice president because she's good looking and popular. She will be led around by the nose by the military industrial complex that has already stolen from the American people 10s of trillions of dollars, most recently 2.3 trillion dollars that they don't know what happened to under Cheney and Bush, it just disappeared?? Where did that money go? Why isn't the corporate media on this???

The American people accept this cause they're too busy trying to pay their bills or find a job, even though this 2.3 trillion lost, is 40,000 dollars to a family of 5, a years salary for most families. Now we are up in arms about a 700 billion dollar bailout, but this is peanuts to what the Pentagon has been stealing from us...using the money stolen from the American people to murder innocent third world children in Vietnam Iraq me Ayers is a hero for bombing the Pentagon...the Pentagon under Republican administrations doesn't defend our country it shames our country, that is why it is so important to have people like Obama as Commander and Chief...not people like Nixon, Bush or Palin.

We have 40 million really poor people in American yet we wasted and lost trillions of dollars to kill third world children, so they would not become communist or to steal their oil, there is something terribly wrong with the American people who don't see this or don't care!

Common Sense Joe said...

Why do you think 2.3 trillion is lost?