Thursday, January 29, 2009

Rank the bad, from most to least bad.

Add your own if you like.

(A) 115,000 abortions per day.
(B) Biological attack.
(C) 30,000 die from chemical attack
(D) Death of a child from bombing.
(E) Elimination of 90% of native American population from contact with "Old-World" diseases.
(F) Invasion of Kuwait.
(G) Genocide.
(H) 6 million Jews dying in the holocaust.
(I) Ice Age
(J) Japan invasion of China, Korea, etc. in WW III.
(K) 5,500 aids deaths per day.
(L) Land loss to war.
(M) 7,400 malaria deaths per day.
(N) Nuclear attack on modern large city.
(O) Global warming raises seas 2-4".
(P) Global warming raises seas 12".
(Q) Global warming raises seas 24".
(R) 50 random rocket attacks a day.
(S) Nazi German and European part of WWII.
(T) Large asteroid hits earth.
(U) Iraq War (85,000 to 100,000 civilian deaths).
(V) Rwandan genocide (800,000 to 1 million dead).
(W) 9/11 attack.
(X) Iraq under Saddam (500,000 to 1 million dead)


MsAnthrope said...

Well aren't you the little ray of sunshine on a cloudy day! They ALL suck Joe!

Anonymous said...

What's your point to show us a meteor hitting the earth is more destructive than our invasion of Iraq for oil???? You know the people of Iraq still say they were better off under Saddam than under our occupation...considering how bad it was under Saddam what does that say about our occupation????

Common Sense Joe said...

The point is to find out how you rate or put into perspective different things and to see how people differ in their opinions.