Thursday, January 29, 2009

Global Warming Update

The Amazing Story Behind the Global Warming Scam


MsAnthrope said...

"NATO representatives and lawmakers from alliance nations will meet in Iceland Thursday to discuss security challenges that are likely to arise as the Arctic Circle thaws."

"At the same time, Arctic water is warming so quickly that the entire region could be ice-free by 2013."

Anonymous said...

Again this shows deliberate ignorance, these people work for big oil, they lie, global warming is reality get used to it, the whole world agrees, even polluting China and Russia agree, they'll continue to pollute but they admit global warming is real and man made, even your beloved Bush has admitted this finally. Nothing you've shown concerning global warming has come from serious science publications, your articles come from spurious sources owned by extreme right wing corporate oil financed lobbies and think tanks...what is your motivation for spreading propaganda that will only hurt future you hate children??? Do you want future generations to suffer more than necessary??? I don't get your motivations?

Common Sense Joe said...

The point is the main stream media has bought into the argument that the scientific debate is over. I just try to illustrate differing opinions. That the author of the article is the father of the weather channel gives him slightly more credibility than Gore. Being a computer scientist I understand that the assumptions built into the computer models can greatly impact the forecast. The biggest greenhouse gas is water vapor. No one has shown why a trace gas, CO2, should have a disproportional impact on global warming. Carbon offsets, I believe, are a scam to enrich the environmental movement. And if implemented will be dangerous to our economy.