Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Obama Election

Well, the tabla-rosa that is Obama has been elected. Let us hope for the best for the U.S. for the next two years.

The good news for the Republicans is that appear to keep control of the filibuster.

As the liberals take complete control of government it will be interesting to watch. Clinton was a moderate Democrat with a Republican congress. Carter had to deal with conservative democrats from the South.

It will be interesting how Obama and Democrats will deal with the war on terrorism. Will Obama go into Pakistan (without permission) like he said he would or will he just pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Will the Bush derangement syndrome end or will they still blame everything on him for the next eight years?

Good things about an Obama Election
First, public financing is dead. No one will accept public financing again.
Possibly, affirmative-action will expire and the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will disappear.

Bad Things:
Earmark reform is dead. Expect even more money spent on "special" projects.
Protecting the border is dead. But then again, more cheaper labor for farms.

Things to watch out for.
(1) Secret ballot for unions eliminated.
(2) Silencing of critics on the radio, through an "equal-balance" law.


MsAnthrope said...

I believe everything happens for a reason even if we can't see it at the time it happens.
The people have spoken.

Common Sense Joe said...

Interesting. How would you apply that to the election in 2004?

Anonymous said...

Which part?

Anonymous said...

Without 60 votes in the Senate, Dems won't have 'complete' control. Repubs can block everything, unless they decide to go nuclear and allow 51 votes to rule the Senate.

Bush will -- and should -- be blamed for our economic problems for decades to come. He expanded government greater than FDR ever dreamed while putting the country in cross-generational crippling debt to Communist China. That's not derangement, just fact.

Health care will now be unionized, which will cause nursing home care to skyrocket, and force governments to dramatically raise taxes to take care of grandma. This will happen very soon here in Missouri with the prop passage. Like it or not, that segment of the population is growing every day. People don't die anymore! Their husks live on for decades after the mind has left the planet.

Two interesting things to watch for over the next few years are:
(1) Where do the repubs go from here? How will they rebuild a party thoroughly decimated by Bush and Rove? Limbaugh and Hannity bitchin' about the negro 24/7 won't be enough. The answer will be to rediscover Barry Goldwater.

(2) How the media will make excuses for the negro, blaming all his mistakes on everyone but him. There's a highway full of people the negro threw under the bus in this campaign. I'm sure he's already commissioning statues to himself as I'm writing this. Will the media carry his water when the negro doesn't support gay marriage, doesn't follow through on his energy proposals, and freezes during his first foreign policy disaster?
*I will call him 'the negro' because that's how he identifies himself, who he married, the church he joined and supported, blacks openly refer to themselves in their comedy and music as 'niggers,' and, finally, by the vast racism displayed by blacks in this election. Had whites voted their race in the same numbers, obama would never have made it to the senate.

Common Sense Joe said...

The people spoke in 2004 and elected Bush. What was the "reason"?

Common Sense Joe said...

Well, you can't filibuster spending bills.

The media won't make excuses, they will just ignore the "problems". After Clinton was elected, all the "homeless" disappeared.

MsAnthrope said...

That was so we would have someone to blame for the mess we have now. :)

And Joe, you made fun of ME when I said the exact same thing about filibusters.

Anonymous said...

And if you need to be reminded how "original" obama is, here's the best video of the year exposing his unbelievable plagiarism:


Which is also the same reason his academic records and papers remain locked down, according to two of his former classmates.

Common Sense Joe said...

I don't think I did. There is a difference between judges and regulations which are subject to filibusters and financing/budget bills.

That certain members prevented regulations on Fannie Mae is what got us into this financial mess.

Anonymous said...

[Joe]: That certain members prevented regulations on Fannie Mae is what got us into this financial mess.
Again, Bush, the repubs, and Greenspan controlled everything from '00-'06. If you're not going to hold them directly responsible (even if barney frank is an idiot, he could not initiate any bill in either committee or in the House), then you've entered rush limbaugh territory.

IF you're a conservative, you should at least be mad at those very repub idiots who actually made all the decisions. The banks were still throwing ARMs at every one who wanted one as late as Dec. 2006. And in the end, it was Bush and his Treasury department who just completed the nationalization of our entire banking and mortgage system. Last time I checked, Bush had an (R) after his name.
Meanwhile I saw the sycophant jackasses on msnbc this morning saying "they" would give obama 4-10 years to "make progress" on the economy and the financial meltdown. How generous of the MSM! They're already handing all of obama's challenges off to the NEXT president!!

Common Sense Joe said...

Again, McCain and Bush both proposed regulations. They did not reach the floor because of the threat of filibuster. The Senate rarely actually makes the Senators take action on the floor, they just shelve the bill.

Again, Republicans lost control in the Senate after a couple of months in 2001. BTW, Bush took office in Jan 2001. Clinton was President in '00.

Common Sense Joe said...

Well it takes a long time to convert from capitalism to socialism.

Castro still has solved all the problems in Cuba.

Common Sense Joe said...

If the Republicans use the filibuster to block something, they should get the credit/blame for it. And it they vote with the Democrats then they should get the blame too. If they force the Democrats to improve a bill then they should get the credit.

There is a lot of things the government can do to help/hurt the economy.If you raise taxes on business income, people will be less likely to risk their money in investments. But face it, it is mostly up to the people. Are economy is consumer driven. When people stop buying, other people loss jobs and tax revenues fall. The Democrats will face many challenges, some of their own doings. They should get the credit/blame on their actions.

Anonymous said...

Do you mean tabula rasa ?

I think your examples of only two "good things" about Obama's election are kind of warped. There are hundreds of good things about the election. Here's just one: The United States now has a chance to recapture a modicum of the goodwill the rest of the world bestowed upon it after 9/11 and which Bush squandered with his doctrine of pre-emptive warmongering

Common Sense Joe said...

tabula rasa means "blank slate", by that I mean no one know who he is or what his positions are so they place their hopes that he is one of them. Is he a radical left/socialist like MoveOn.org believes, with his association with the likes of Ayers? Is he a very liberal like his voting record in the Senate would indicate? Is he a moderate, like the conservative members of his Law Review believe?

Common Sense Joe said...

There may be many good things about the Obama election.

Goodwill for being a victim is for losers.

The U.S. doesn't need goodwill. The U.S. is the country that gives its money away, the country that protects the world (not completely, but it would be a lot worse with the U.S.).

When the world is in trouble they come to the U.S. for help. No, the U.S., doesn't need goodwill for being a victim.

MsAnthrope said...

For some reason Joe, your last comment here brings to mind the movie (based on a novel) "The Mouse That Roared".