Saturday, November 22, 2008

Global Warming Update: A killer frost

PRUDEN: The killer frost for global warming

"So far the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reports 63 record snowfalls in the United States, 115 lowest-ever temperatures for the month. Only 44 Octobers over the past 114 years have been cooler than this last one."

"The polar ice is accumulating faster than usual, and some of the experts now concede that the globe hasn't warmed since 1995"

"Only last month Dr. Hansen's institute announced that October was the hottest on record, and then said "uh, never mind." The London Daily Telegraph calls this "a surreal blunder [that] raised a huge question mark about the temperature records that underpin the worldwide alarm over global warming.""


MsAnthrope said...

"October temperatures in the U.S. were indeed slightly (0.3 degrees) below the 20th-century average. But remember the "Global" in "Global Warming" and read on to hear that globally, October had temperatures 1.13 degrees HIGHER than the 20th-century average, the second-highest on record. Way to cherry-pick the wrong stats, Mr. Pruden."

Anonymous said...

"Arctic sea ice coverage during October was at its third lowest extent since satellite records began in 1979, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center. Average ice extent during October was 3.24 million square miles, which is 9.5 percent below the 1979-2000 average. The record lowest extent for October, set in 2007, was 2.55 million square miles. Arctic sea ice extent has been declining by an average of 5.4 percent per decade over the past 30 years."

Anonymous said...

Whether Global Warming is real or not, man made or not, is not the question...the question is that the overwhelming evidence points to the conclusion that Global warming is real and man made and the question is should we do something about it or not...Common Sense would say we should, especially since we would be very easy for us to convert to clean energy non toxic cars etc on a massive scale if only we had the politically will, not only for global warming reasons but for general health and long term economic reasons as well...that to me is common sense, even if global warming is not man made we still make the world a better place by going to clean energy and clean cars and buildings, even if only to reduce the mercury levels in the fish for our children....we should be very suspicious about believing ExxonMobil financed "scientific studies" about global warming... that to me seems like only common sense!

Common Sense Joe said...

Whether global warming is real is the question. Whether man is responsible is very much the question. If CO2 emissions are not the cause of significant temperature increases, then wasting trillions of dollars on reducing C02 will have been wasted.

Your assumption "it would be very easy for us to convert to clean energy non toxic cars" is ridiculous. If it was easy it would have been done. Do you know how many cars there are? Do you know the cost? Come up with a plan, not a slogan.

Anonymous said...

You are so wrong, first off Global warming is real and man made unless you are totally against science and even common sense, it doesn't take an Einstein to figure out that if you are putting billions of tons of CO2 on top of , additional to, what naturally occurs and at the same time diminish by billions of tons the natural cycle of CO2 absorption, that you are going to change dramatically the environment and perhaps even eliminate eventually all significant life on this planet if we don't stop! Any idiot can see that!

Saying global warming is not real is like saying science is an illusion...sure at the philosophical level you could say that but in "common sense" terms we all know global warming is real. Furthermore we've had the technology to make electic cars and convert to clean energy since the Carter administration..Carter tried to do it so it was done! but Reagan and the Republicans since then killed all projects to convert to clean energy and electric cars because Republicans work for big oil and the military industrial complex which runs on big oil. If we had re-elected Carter we'd all be driving electric cars today and be at least 50% free of dirty energy by now. Elections have consequences that is why it hasn't been done yet but now that Obama is President we will finally make the switch to clean energy and electric cars...I'll bet you anything..its just a question of political will and that comes from the people (and sometimes an economic crisis in the case of electing Obama). by the way cars are not the biggest problem even though there are more than a billion in the world, energy from coal is the biggest polluter. Its time you start believing in science instead of oil company warming is real and man made and serious, the "World" scientific community is behind that at 99%. What more do you need to be convinced???? you talk about wasting trillions of dollars, what about the trillions we've wasted on this invasion of Iraq and the trillions for Bush administration incompetence and corruption concerning bank regulation....why is it you are only concerned about wasting money on stuff that is positive for society like free health care free higher education and clean energy and clean cars, why don't you ever bring up concerns on wasting trillions on big oil and the military private contractors etc? Why doesn't that bother you?

Common Sense Joe said...

Global warming depends on your time frame. Yes, since then end of the ice age global warming has occurred. But since 1998, the hysteria created by inadequate computer models has not come true. If Al Gore was right we would be a lot warmer today, instead of colder. It has been reported that November has been the coldest in areas in 30-70 years. You cant get rid of 300 million cars in a couple of years. You can't get rid of all the coal-burning plants without tremendous costs. You cant drive electric cars without building nuclear power plants and an infrastructure to support them.