Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Is global warming over? Low Sunspots.

"the sun has had more than 400 spotless days during its current minimum. Most agencies reported no sunspots during all of August."

"The longest known spotless era on the sun occurred from about 1650 to 1700. This was during Little Ice Age, a period of severely cool weather documented in paintings, written records and even in tree rings. Some climate scientists believe that the inactive sun may have contributed to the chill."

see also


Anonymous said...

"Sunspots don't cause global warming, people do!
Climate change denialists like to cite Danish scientist Henrik Svensmark's theory that global warming is caused by sunspots in excusing the ongoing de-terraforming of the Earth (Svensmark's work was the basis for a film called "The Great Global Warming Swindle"); but research from Lancaster University undermines Svensmark's conclusions.
The idea is that variations in solar activity affect cosmic ray intensity.
But Lancaster University scientists found there has been no significant link between them in the last 20 years.

Presenting their findings in the Institute of Physics journal, Environmental Research Letters, the UK team explain that they used three different ways to search for a correlation, and found virtually none.

This is the latest piece of evidence which at the very least puts the cosmic ray theory, developed by Danish scientist Henrik Svensmark at the Danish National Space Center (DNSC), under very heavy pressure."

Common Sense Joe said...
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Common Sense Joe said...

Interesting, but even if one person's theories do not explain the phenomenon, it does not mean there is not a correlation between sun-spot activity and global temperature. Mars also appears to be warming up. see

Anonymous said...

Whether sunspots contribute to global warming or not is not relevant, what is relevant is that our planet can not absorb any more CO2 without acidifying the oceans to the point where most fish die, and changing our atmosphere to the point where the ratio of oxygen is insufficient and we all die from lack of oxygen. The deforestation of the Amazon and other forests pose a greater problem to human life surviving than probably anything else, including global warming.

We know the problems, we have the solutions, Republicans want to keep the status quo and drive humanity off a cliff, the end of times, and Democrats seem a little bit more common sense and want to apply the known solutions to the known problems, something that was started 20 years ago, under Carter and killed by Reagan and kept dead ever since by Republicans up till today! Why Republicans love the oil and military industries so much and have stifled wind and solar development over the last 20 years is a mystery to me but a fact nevertheless, the only rational answer as to why is corruption.

I can't wait to see if Obama is elected if he's less corrupt and immoral than his Republican and even Democratic predecessors...I think he just might be the greatest President we've had since Lincoln or Kennedy. The Europeans seem to think so anyway. All of Europe, and the World is praying for Obama, not only for fixing global warming but for everything else as well. Yet Americans seem to favor McCain according to the latest polls, really don't get it???

Common Sense Joe said...

First, the lack of sunspots has been previously noted to coincide with "mini ice ages". Second, colder water can absorb more CO2 without acidifying the oceans. Third, you may be right about deforestation in the Amazon. Fourth, it is illogical to assume any party "wants to drive humanity off the cliff".

Anonymous said...

Dan, I agree with you on many points. But we also need to concentrate on "the deadly dose of anthropogenic (fossil) CO2 already in the air on its way to our surface ocean waters...the oceans will continue as well to lose their phyto-plankton and photosynthetic capacity to counter this onslaught. The loss of net primary productivity (ocean greeness), NPP, is
reportedly 17% in the North Atlantic, 26% in the North Pacific, and 50% in the sub-tropical tropical oceans."