Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Obama and Acorn

Obama and Acorn

I suggest you read the whole article.

"Good Help Is Hard to Find
Fox News Channel's Glenn Beck also aired the San Bernardino Acorn tapes last night, and in introducing them, he made an excellent point:

[America, ask yourself this question. Either ACORN has the most corrupt hiring practices, lowest standards or you just can't find anyone in the inner city that's a decent human being.
Now, I don't believe that one. I don't think ACORN wants to make that case. Really? Well, that's the case you'd better make, ACORN.]

But the previous day, National Public Radio's Frank James had offered precisely that excuse:

[It's also important to keep in mind that ACORN's workers are coming from the same low-income neighborhoods the organization serves, with all that entails--poor schools, high crime and the sorts of social problems that have been documented for decades.
So the flaws conservatives are pointing out about ACORN are not so much problems associated with that organization per se but more about the problems of being poor and minority in urban America.]


dan said...

America, ask yourself this question. Either ACORN has the most corrupt hiring practices, lowest standards or you just can't find anyone in the inner city that's a decent human being.
Now, I don't believe that one. I don't think ACORN wants to make that case. Really? Well, that's the case you'd better make, ACORN."

The above is a very racist/fascist comment!

Common Sense Joe said...

Please explain how you think it is (a) racist (b) fascist.

From my sources, ACORN was started by and is run by white brothers, Wade and Dale Rathke.

The New York Times reported on July 9, 2008, that Dale Rathke, the brother of ACORN's founder Wade Rathke, was found to have embezzled $948,607.50 from the group and affiliated charitable organizations back in 1999 and 2000.

dan said...

It's obvious read it again if you can't see it, it's like trying to teach you that an apple is a fruit when you've been brainwashed to think that an apple is a vegetable.

hint:innercity = blacks
"you just can't find anyone in the inner city that's a decent human being."

another hint: racism is usually a derivative of fascism, not always but usually

Again you can't blame Wade, the founder of an organization that does great work for the poor and oppressed to lift them out of poverty and oppression, for the actions of his brother Dale, who was not a founder.

Should we blame Cheney's wife for the war crimes of her husband? Should we blame Jimmy Carter who was a great President for the alcoholism of his brother? Should we blame Jeb Bush for the war crimes of his brother? Why should we blame Wade (and Acorn)for the greed of his brother Dale?

Jesus Christ would praise the work Acorn is doing, aren't we supposed to allow the poor to help themselves, to let them pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, why do you want to put more obstacles in their path, why do you have this hatred against the poor and oppressed like Beck and Limbaugh?

Common Sense Joe said...

Jesus Christ would praise the work Acorn is doing

I doubt Jesus would praise those assisting people in turning 13-15 year olds into prostitutes, helping people to defraud the government and avoid paying taxes.

dan said...

most people whom aren't brainwashed know that innercity means blacks

Jesus was known to help prostitutes and had a special sympathy for them, furthermore the ACORN officials from the tape did not know what they were doing or saying, that was obvious, they got tricked, they were duped by those right wing fascist types posing as a pimp and a prostitute...they were naive and got manipulated and according to DN yesterday lost their jobs because of it, furthermore Acorn lost its federal funding, because a few naive employees got duped, this fine organization got severely punished, Acorn never ever would have helped traffic young girls from El Salvador, they have internal checks on this thing, watch DN to find out, this never could have happened at Acorn.

I stand by my belief Jesus would be proud of the work Acorn is doing and condemn those who tried to dupe some naive employees, after they tried in some 2 dozen other Acorn offices and failed. They tried and tried again until they finally found some naive acorn employees...with this kind of persistence you can probably find employees or volunteers whom can be duped in any organization no matter how wonderful the work they are doing, Amnesty International, the Red Cross, Doctors without borders, the ACLU, code Pink, human rights watch, animal rights watch, Greenpeace, etc...