Thursday, May 21, 2009

Risks of moving people from GITMO to US

(1) Risk of death: if have contact with other prisoners they might be killed.
(2) Risk to townspeople: other terrorists might gather to break them out.
(3) Risk to prison: terrorist might try to organize other prisoners.
(4) Risk to system: should "unlawful combatants" be placed with criminals?
(5) Risk to public: A judge might release them into the U.S.
(6) Risk to mental health: Some say isolation in Super Max prison is akin to torture.
(7) Risk to others: Will the prisoners be able to communicate covertly with other terrorist on the outside - planning attacks against others.

(1) Fulfill Obama's campaign promise.
(2) Could make Europeans happy.
(3) Could make liberals happy.


dan said...

I agree with your assessments above on both costs and benefits yet the larger question is what about the innocent people in Guantanamo, we captured many people who are completely innocent and have been thrown in prison for years and perhaps tortured, not waterboarded perhaps, but tortured in other ways, dogs, beatings, humiliation...things nazis did to jews in their concentration camps etc.

In Afghanistan if an asshole is trying to extort money from his neighbour and he won't give it to him, or marry his daughter and he won't let you, or take a percentage of his opium crop and he won't give it to you... the asshole can go to turn him into the US military as a Taliban or Al Qaeda terrorist and they will believe you at your word, or perhaps he even bribes the soldier...and then the military will ship him off to Guantanamo because the asshole said he's a terrorist though the asshole may even be the real terrorist and the guy he turned in completely innocent. Their are hundreds of reported cases just like this, this is the real problem America everyone is innocent until proven guilty

That is the difference between degressives and progressives ...degressives act out of fear and are willing to torture and imprison innocent people just on hearsay, progressives want justice and a fair trial. Degressives are willing to accept collateral damage, i.e., bombing killing and maiming innocent people, even children, to protect oil resources ...progressives find this sick and abhorrent and would rather let the oil resources stay under their control and invest in alternative energy sources like Carter would have done had he been re-elected with his Solar initiatives way back then.

What you say is perhaps true above but it does not address the issue of justice and being loyal to our values and Constitution

Guantanamo needs to be shut done it is a stain on our collective conscious, Americans should not act like Nazis with concentration camps and torture!!!

Common Sense Joe said...

I disagree with statement that they were tortured. Even if you include water-boarding torture, only 3 were water-boarded. There has been evidence of any torture at Guantanamo.

Common Sense Joe said...

There are only about 220 left in Gitmo. 17% of the "innocent" released returned to the battlefield.

Common Sense Joe said...

The Constitution allows for War and the death penalty. Gitmo does not violate the Constitution in any way.

dan said...

I disagree with statement that they were tortured. Even if you include water-boarding torture, only 3 were water-boarded. There has been evidence of any torture at Guantanamo.

May 22, 2009 10:46 AM

you contradict yourself; you say only 3 waterboarded, even if waterboarding is torture....there is no evidence of torture at Gitmo??? Yes Joe the degressives sure got you brainwashed you contradict the why just google torture at gitmo and you'll find loads of evidence much more than just 3 cases of waterboarding

dan said...

You admit 17% of innocent people released by Cheney yet at the same time you say it is dangerous for Obama to do the same, another contradiction

dan said...

torture, holding innocent people in jail without trial for long periods of time all violate the constitution? spying on americans violates the constitution, declaring war and not letting congress declare war violates the constitution, invading a foreign enemy that poses no threat violates the constitution, presidents and VPs that lie to the american people violates the constitution, telling your cia to fabricate false info violates the constitution just google cheney bush violates the constitution and watch all you'll find

Common Sense Joe said...

You admit 17% of innocent people released by Cheney yet at the same time you say it is dangerous for Obama to do the same, another contradiction

-- no, I said 17% of the so called innocent returned to the battlefield - some killing many. Maybe some were innocent and returned. Maybe some were guilty and did not return to the battlefield. Of those left most are probably guilty. 100 are Yemenis and would be release or escape quickly. Some of those returned to return are still in jails in their home countries. None were released into the U.S. And how would their conditions be any better in a U.S. jail?

Common Sense Joe said...

torture, holding innocent people in jail without trial for long periods of time all violate the constitution?

- they are not U.S. citizens, they are not on U.S. soil, and even prisoners or war can be held for long time and they do not have a right to trial.

Common Sense Joe said...

spying on americans violates the constitution, - where in the constitution do get this?

Common Sense Joe said...

declaring war and not letting congress declare war violates the constitution - the Congress does not have to used specific words to declare war, by funding the operations the Congress declares war.

Common Sense Joe said...

invading a foreign enemy that poses no threat violates the constitution,

-- where is the Constitution?

Common Sense Joe said...

invading a foreign enemy that poses no threat violates the constitution,

-- where in the Constitution?

Common Sense Joe said...

presidents and VPs that lie to the american people violates the constitution,

where in the constitution do you find this? If this was true, all Presidents violated the Constitution. How many have made campaign promises they couldn't or wouldn't keep? ROFL

Common Sense Joe said...

telling your cia to fabricate false info violates the constitution

ROFL, first - not in constitution, second - CIA does disinformation all the time, third - you have no Proof that Bush or Cheney did that