Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cheney Speaks on Security

most of the speech

full text:


dan said...

Cheney lied about WMD, ordered the CIA to waterboard Al Qaeda operatives until they could fabricate false confessions,i.e., that Iraq had ties to Al Qaeda, Cheney lied about almost everything from the beginning to the end, how can anyone believe what he has to say now....more lies...9/11 happened because he ordered our fighter jets off enabling clear skys for terrorists...Cheney's decisions on torture and concentration camps increased terrorism 10 fold and Obama now has his hands full, trying to protect us from another attack which probably will happen since Cheney messed things up so much, if another attack happens it is definitely Cheney's fault...he broke his oath to the Constitution...he is a war mongering war criminal greedy oil exec who became VP because there were too many degressives in this country ....he destroyed our economy with his expensive wars he destroyed our morality with his concentration camps and only hope his one day he is brought to justice and that shames the degressives in our country to the truth about their leader.

Common Sense Joe said...

Cheney lied about WMD -false.
ordered the CIA to waterboard Al Qaeda operatives until they could fabricate false confessions, - false

9/11 happened because he ordered our fighter jets off enabling clear skys for terrorists. - false

Cheney's decisions ... increased terrorism 10 fold - unknowable

if another attack happens it is definitely Cheney's fault.. -- no attack on U.S. since 9/11, therefore any new attack is now Obama's responsibility

he broke his oath to the Constitution - not shown

the rest in just plain nonsense

dan said...

Cheney lied about WMD -false.
ordered the CIA to waterboard Al Qaeda operatives until they could fabricate false confessions, - false
Did you forget Valerie Plame affaire? and numerous you tube videos say Saddam had nuclear weapons just Google it

9/11 happened because he ordered our fighter jets off enabling clear skys for terrorists. - false
watch the video and go through the site it's explained

Cheney's decisions ... increased terrorism 10 fold - unknowable

That's what the CIA thinks

if another attack happens it is definitely Cheney's fault.. -- no attack on U.S. since 9/11, therefore any new attack is now Obama's responsibility
I disagree when you are the cause of terrorism you are responsible for terrorist acts whether in power or not, if another attack happens its Cheney's fault, 9/11 happened on his watch don't forget yet you say that was Clinton's contradict yourself again

he broke his oath to the Constitution - not shown
google Cheney broke oath to constitution read and learn

the rest in just plain nonsense
yea for example what???