Monday, January 5, 2009

Proportional Response.

The Arabs countries are criticising Israel for a disproportional response to the day assault of multiple missiles into it territory. Although the missiles might not be destroying many assets and killing lots of people, it does force frequent daily disruptions to the people living within target area. Not only that, there is the daily terror and fear that builds up over long periods of constant attack.

If you think the Israeli response is disproportional, what do you think is the "proportional response". Should Israel just daily shoot 100s of missiles into random areas of Gaza?


Anonymous said...

They poked a bear with a stick and now they are upset beecause the bear has responded with teeth and claws. As the Native Americans say "Custer had it coming".

Anonymous said...

Custer lost but imperialism won in the end then and so will Israel and the USA now...however that doesn't mean that both the Indian wars and the war on the Palestinians are not both grossly immoral...for 30 years with extreme right white house administrations pushing the Israelis to impose apartheid conditions on the Palestinians, it is no wonder the Palestinians try to fight back no matter how pathetic their rockets that hardly kill anyone in comparison, what Israel is doing to Palestine is exactly what the USA has been doing to Cuba, same thing, a blockade...both are grossly immoral and we free citizens should heartily condemn both...the proportional response propaganda is just that, propaganda, it is not an issue, it's used to divert the attention of the American people away from the real issue the US/Israeli blockade of Gaza so that they can't build up their economy and pose a future threat perhaps. If China put a blockade on the USA I'm sure we'd be firing rockets too, if it was our only means of fighting back. What amazes me is that Cuba hasn't tried to fire rockets into the USA! Well it doesn't amaze me really because they know they would be obliterated if they did. Actually the Israelis are a far kinder people than the Americans because if it were us the proportionality would be 1000 to 1, not 100 to 1.

Anonymous said...

Because I know you won't make the effort to learn the truth on Palestine I will make it easy for you and anyone else who reads your blog, watch the following documentary on the Israeli blockade of Palestine which was made 25 years ago...and the situation has only gotten worse since then.

Here's the link

Watch this and tell me if you still think Hamas has no justification for firing rockets into Israel..

Here's an excerpt from wikipedia on the journalist who made the documentary

John Richard Pilger (born 9 October 1939) is an Australian journalist and documentary maker. One of only two to win Britain's Journalist of the Year Award twice, his documentaries have received academy awards in Britain and the US.[1][2] Based in London, he is known for his polemical campaigning style: "Secretive power loathes journalists who do their job, who push back screens, peer behind façades, lift rocks. Opprobrium from on high is their badge of honour."

Common Sense Joe said...

Again you miss the obvious, almost everyone has "justification" for their actions. What is the point of rockets but to cause terror. The Israelis action is to stop the terror.

Common Sense Joe said...

The Palestinians have legitimate grievances, as do the Jews, the Catholics in Northern Ireland, the native Americans, as do almost every single group. The Germans grievances after WWI led to WWII. The grievances going back centuries have led to many massacres and genocides. That the Palestinians have reasons to resent Israeli and the West is not in dispute.

But where do you see "self-defense?. They were in cease-fire. The Palestinians let it expire and started firing missiles immediately. Why didn't Hamas spent the resources spent on terrorizing Israeli spent on improving the condition of the people? Their "self-defense" means the total destruction of Israeli, which the Israelis will not let happen. So their only purpose is to try to start s wider war. Or maybe their masters in Iran hoped it would send the price of oil up.

What it is clear is the Hamas doesn't care about children, the Israeli's or their own. They will gladly "martyr" their children.

Common Sense Joe said...

It is interesting how you never use your brain or logic.

"Hamas' charter calls for the recapturing of the State of Israel and its replacement with a Palestinian Islamic state in the area that is now named Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip.[5]"

Why should Israel deal with them? That they use easing of blockade to import more missiles would be stupid for Israel to ease it up. More importantly how would firing missiles into Israel achieve the goal of easing the blockade?

MsAnthrope said...

The Hamas Charter also says under it's Hamas Principles "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it." and "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors."

Common Sense Joe said...

You "can't intelligently debate" because you always go on some tangent. The question is: what is a proportional response? My guess is you think the Israelis should do nothing to stop the missiles. You probably want them to hand over all the land and leave the middle east, but that is another topic.

Fatah signed the Oslo accords, Hamas did not. So your statement "Palestinians want Peace" is false, some do - some do not. Why do Palestinians live better in Israel than in any other Arab country? Why do they live better in Israel than most citizens live in the other Arab countries? Why is the West Bank not firing missiles?

MsAnthrope said...

Since when is a quote from the Hamas Charter considered propaganda?

And as for the white men and Indians...Before the white men came here Indian men hunted and fished all day and women did all the did the white man think he could improve on a system like that?

Anonymous said...

Did you watch the documentary by Pilger?
Did you watch the recent Democracy Now Debates?
I answer your questions but you do not answer mine.

Common Sense Joe said...

Why watch it? I already agreed they have "justifications".

MsAnthrope said...

Yeah and I bet Hamas will say it has "justifications" for having a website Encouraging Kids to Become Martyrs and for having a manual for poisons, chemical gases titled "The Mujahadeen Poisons Handbook," and then of course they have a handbook(including a list of supplies needed) on kidnapping and ransoning the DEAD bodies of soldiers and CIVILIANS.

Common Sense Joe said...

BTW, what acts of terrorism did George Washington commit?

I remember mostly that G.W.'s battles were against armies.

Anonymous said...

"I remember mostly that G.W.'s battles were against armies."
Wow, Joe you really are OLD!

Anonymous said...

I didn't say watch Air America, I agree that Air America is like NBC, ABC and the other corporate networks not very informative and a waste of time generally accept for the Tom Hartmann program which is a bit better and sometimes good for learning American History ..yet Democracy Now is in another category all together it is serious news, it is in depth debates showing both sides inviting smart informed people who know something about the issue at hand unlike the pundits who know nothing on the corporate networks. There is no competition unfortunately, for Democracy Now as a daily news source, it is alone way above the rest independent, free, unbiased...if you really watched Democracy Now you would not say what you did about it, it is not leftest at all unless you call news that points out and records acts of social injustice leftist...either you are being disingenuous or you are afraid to learn the truth...the same goes for Chomsky, Chomsky is serious analysis on our society not leftist...are you saying reporting crimes of social injustice is leftist???

I never once heard Amy Goodman or Noam Chomsky call out for nationalizing the banks or oil companies for example, that is leftist...Amy Goodman just reports the facts and events, as does Chomsky, only with more insight as to the causes.

...I didn't say George Washington was a terrorist I said he was called a terrorist as were all Americans resisting British dominance during the British Empire and the wars of independence. The Indians were called terrorists too.

Do you think we should call Americans today terrorists for bombing women and children in Vietnam like in My Lai or in Iraq like in Haditha? and the thousands of less famous similar examples around the World... Are the Israelis terrorists for bombing schools of children in Lebanon and Palestine? Do you think we should call those who torture terrorists? Should we call Truman a terrorist for Nagasaki and Hiroshima?

You really disappoint me by refusing to educate yourself to the real news by refusing to watch Democracy Now and reading Chomsky and similar in order to remain deliberately ignorant which is immoral when you care to comment on political and social justice issues you should not pretend to be an authority on subjects you refuse to inform yourself about that is immoral and propaganda.

Not knowing something is one thing if you try to know but deliberate ignorance is not forgivable in my opinion and refusing to watch Democracy Now when there is no other alternative for serious independent news concerning social justice issues on a daily basis is deliberate ignorance...if you can give me an alternative news source to Democracy Now,just one, that comments daily on social justice issues seriously and independently that you use to inform yourself...I will take back my criticism of your keeping yourself deliberately ignorant..if not keep your blog posts limited to laughing babies.

Common Sense Joe said...

"...I didn't say George Washington was a terrorist I said he was called a terrorist as were all Americans resisting British dominance during the British Empire and the wars of independence. The Indians were called terrorists too." - So what was your point? That someone said something untrue about George Washington? Either someone is or isn't a terrorist. Hamas is a terrorist organization using terrorist methods (deliberately killing civilians). Bringing up GW is just a red herring that weakens your argument. Again, Haditha and My Lai were not authorized actions, as evidence by them being put on trial. Hamas is deliberately using missiles to attack civilians, not just wayward members of Hams. Once again you weaken your argument.

Common Sense Joe said...

BTW, you assume I am ignorant of the facts. Which facts. That I don't want to watch left-wing drivel doesn't make ignorant. If you can't extract the important information and write it down here, then maybe you don't understand that they use emotional to overwhelm logic. Most of left reporting is 95% emotion. (Ok, the may be overreaching - just like left-wing reporting.)

Anonymous said...

The point is obvious but let me spell it out for you, terrorism is a word like collateral damage, one man's terrorist is another man's hero, Che Guevara was a terrorist to the Dictator of Cuba, Batista, and the Republican Party in America but he was a hero to 99% of the population of South America same could be said of Simon Bolivar. George Washington was a terrorist to the English Crown but a hero to American who championed liberty.

We say Hamas are terrorists they say we are terrorists...the point is we are both right,they are terrorists and so are we, the difference is they terrorize in retaliation to our aggression, the occupation and blockade, they do it in defense we do it to conquer land and control water and other resources. Those are the facts. Another fact you don't know by the way is Hamas did not break the cease fire another "terrorist" group did, Hamas only retaliated after Israel attacked. Hamas wanted to extend the cease fire.

You could not find one other daily news source as serious and professional as Democracy Now, not one and yet you claim to be informed, the fact you call it emotional left wing drivel is like saying Fox news is serious journalism or that you need to make war to have is absurd...I dare you to find one other person who has watched Democracy Now's reporting on Gaza who thinks like you, just one, you are alone...I dare you to find just one daily news show that has done a better job or reporting on Gaza than Democracy Now, just one. you call it left wing drivel yet you can't give one reason why, one fact that leads you to that conclusion.... until you can do so you have convinced me you deliberately wish to remain's like your posts on climate change your latest one links the article to Pravda from Russia that used to be the mouthpiece for Stalinist propaganda, today it looks like a Rupert Murdoch, sex and scandal publication the link to the article is surrounded by half naked Russian girls...the ideas in the article on climate change may be worth debating but until you can source the same concepts from a more serious source like Nature or Scientific American one has to doubt the shows you get your information from dubious Murdoch publication type sources so if that is your standard no wonder your only defense is to call serious journalism like Democracy Now left wing emotional drivel! Stick to laughing babies and similar, apparently that is the level of seriousness concerning information you wish to promulgate. Remain deliberately ignorant don't watch Democracy Now to learn the truth on Gaza etc, stay ignorant, it's your choice, but don't pretend to know things about social and political issues you know nothing about because your sources are crap. Again until you can give me counter examples like I asked above either one person or another alternative source of news better than Democracy Now your statements come off has being absurd, propaganda and a waste of time to read!

Common Sense Joe said...

Well, you are wrong. One's man rebel man be another man's traitor, but a terrorist is one who uses terrorism.

I don't care if Democracy Now does the best job on reporting on Gaza, I have watched them before and they are biased, no need to waste my time further Repeat the facts your gained from watching "Democracy Now" if you can. Try to defend your own arguments with logic and facts, not tell other people to read /watch your propaganda. If you state a fact, provide a link to your source.

You say things like "the occupation and blockade, they do it in defense we do it to conquer land and control water and other resources." Yet Israel had control of the Gaza before so that doesn't make sense. A terrorist may think everyone else is a terrorist, it still doesn't make it true nor their actions correct.

Anonymous said...

I don't have the time to repeat what you can watch yourself if you wanted to learn the truth, that's your admit now that Democracy Now is doing the best reporting on Gaza yet you call their reporting biased. That's like calling the truth biased...the truth is the truth and it may be biased to the left or right depending on the issue....yet intelligent fair minded people don't care if the truth is left or right they just want the truth, I myself am not on the left nor on the right my concern is social justice, freedom and equality under fair laws for all the World's people and if that is on the right I will be on the right when it goes left then I will go left.... to date I haven't found one daily news program that does a better job of objective unbiased in depth reporting on social and political issues than Democracy Now and apparently you can't either, yet you refuse to inform yourself from the best sources available and prefer extreme right often fascist propaganda sources like Pravda and Fox...I don't understand your motivation for wanting to stay deliberately ignorant is it that you're afraid to learn the truth that American made Israeli phosphorous bombs are burning to death Gazan children? Are you afraid to look at the pictures of burned and maimed Palestinian children that only Democracy Now will show, because you know American tax dollars financed that horror? The truth is hard to take sometimes but at least it wakes you up so you know whose side to take in a conflict or whether or not we should invade another country? If you're afraid to learn the truth fine, but don't comment on serious issues in that case, spreading lies and propaganda out of deliberate ignorance is as bad as dropping the phosphorous bombs on the children yourself.

Common Sense Joe said...

Obviously you can not read. I didn't admit DN is doing the best job, since I haven't watched it, I just don't care if it is doing the best job.

Common Sense Joe said...

I know of the phosphorous bombs, as reported on Fox News and NBC and ABC, etc. I know of the deaths of the Gazan children. I know that Hamas is using civilians as shields instead of fighting away from civilians as they would if they cared about their own population.

Anonymous said...

If you haven't watched it then how can you criticize it? What I want you to do is watch it, because I'm sure if you do you will find it the most serious news you can find in America today! Why is it you refuse to watch it??? Her guests are experts many of them Jewish and pro Israel yet against what Israel is doing, top scholars and experts you won't find anywhere else. If you want to know what is going on you have to watch Democracy Now there is nothing better nothing even close. Watch the recent broadcasts and tell me one thing you find biased concerning the current conflict? Hamas is not dropping the phosphorous bombs Israel is. Hamas is not killing children Israel is, with bombs given to them by our country, our bombs our burning children why do you not feel outrage at this?

Common Sense Joe said...

And does DN have Arabs who say Hamas is wrong?

Hamas is killing children, their rockets don't know who they will hit. They are not aimed at the military.

I am not going to watch DN, I have before and will not again.

Anonymous said...

Yes DN did have Arab Journalists on the show condemning the shoes being thrown at Bush as being unprofessional of fellow journalists...and often DN has criticized injustice to women in Arab countries, religious fanaticism and evangelism in Arab countries, worker oppression in Arab countries, internal tyranny and police brutality in Arab countries, etc., Concerning the current conflict DN has had many right wing militaristic expansionist Jews justifying the invasion so you hear both sides of the story.

There is no proof that Hamas is using children as human shields, this is Israeli propaganda, many areas that Israel bombed with American bombs had no rockets or rocket launchers just innocent women and children who were killed. No Israeli children have been killed by Hamas rockets...who knows where the rockets are aimed nobody knows...anyway to date only Israeli soldiers have be killed and less than 20 by last count...4 of them by friendly fire....over a 1000 Palestinians have been killed over 40% children. The reason for the invasion is political, elections in Israel are next month, Hamas wanted to extend the cease fire, it was Israel that broke it....all the above you would know if you watched Democracy Now...if you continue to watch propaganda you will continue to believe falsely that Israel is only defending itself, Israel is the 4th largest military power in the world, Palestine is the poorest weakest region in the world...Israel is killing thousands of innocent children for political and expansionary reasons not self defense...America is supplying Israel with the military resources to do so paid for by our tax both are chumps for accepting this and immoral for supporting this because your conclusions come from propaganda because you both choose of your own free will to remain deliberately ignorant by not watching Democracy Now to learn the truth. They have often had Arabs on explaining that Hamas rockets are unproductive to gain peace, condemning the rockets, if you watched DN on a regular basis you would know this already. You both should be calling your senators to demand a cease fire and to cut off military offensive equipment to Israel, they don't need anymore to defend themselves from the poorest region in the world.
Yet I am sure you will not listen to me and you will continue to remain deliberately ignorant and continue to support immoral actions by our government because of your ignorance! Yet what I have been asking all along and you you've yet to answer is what is your motivation for remaining deliberately ignorant by refusing to watch DN, is it fear of the truth? Is it because it condemns America along with Israel and you're afraid of appearing unpatriotic?....what is your motivation?

Common Sense Joe said...

Why can't you understand that when you fire a missile without accurate guidance that you may hit children. Obviously Hamas doesn't care if it kills Israeli children.

And when Hamas uses civilian area to launch attacks it is in effect using children as human shields, hoping the Israel (who don't want to kill civilians) will not fire into those areas.

Common Sense Joe said...

Hamas formally ends truce with Israel
The militant group refuses to extend the cease-fire. It blames Israel for not lifting a crippling blockade of the Gaza Strip.
By Richard Boudreaux
December 19, 2008
Reporting from Jerusalem -- Hamas declared a formal end to its cease-fire with Israel on Thursday, ruling out an extension of a 6-month-old pact that had begun to fray weeks ago with tit-for-tat attacks across Israel's border with the Gaza Strip.,0,296710.story

Anonymous said...

It is a miracle that not many more rockets and that not many more suicide bombers have not tried to attack Israel from both Lebanon and Palestine after all the children that have been murdered by our bombs and blockades.... if I were the parent of one of those children I would only have one thing on my mind revenge. If I had to live my life in squalor and humiliation because of a blockade preventing me from improving my conditions, I and like any other normal person would fight back. We created Hamas and Hezbollah with our attacks, invasions and blockades...they are resistance movements born out of the humiliation of blockades and occupation. They have every right to kill us until we stop the occupation...we have no right to kill them, our killing is born of greed for more land....that is the ethical difference. In Iraq we killed over a million people, a third to 40 percent children, so we could steal their oil (and our leaders sack our our own Treasury)....non of our attacks and bombings were out of self defense, that's propaganda, we create what we call terrorism and they call resistance out of greed pure and simple and hide behind lies that it's for defense or freedom or whatever.

As for your posts, The LA Times fired its best reporters after Sam Zell took it over now it is a right wing propaganda rag, before it was extremely conservative in story choices but at least more or less accurate ....Hamas did not end the cease fire they just wanted Israel to live up to their promise to end the blockade and occupation, Israel refused because they felt no pressure from the Bush Government to do so, Hamas would have and they have stated so publicly that they would accept a permanent cease fire if Israel ends the blockade and occupation, Israel must end the blockade and occupation first, not the other way around, that is the problem, the way the Article in the LA times is written you would not understand that, it is written to deceive not inform. You should watch Democracy Now to be informed so you can see through propaganda articles like that. You need to learn how to discern between propaganda and real information, otherwise you will continue to support and spread propaganda yourself and continue to vote for the wrong people since you've apparently voted strictly Republican all your life... a root cause of the conflict in Gaza today is the fact Bush got elected. I'm sure there would be Peace in the Middle East long ago if Gore had been elected.

Common Sense Joe said...

What you fail to understand, or refuse to acknowledge, is that root of problems in Gaza in the desire of Hamas to destroy Israel. Israel has made peace with Egypt, works with Jordan.

BTW, Carter and Clinton could not achieve peace, neither would have Gore.

Common Sense Joe said...

Since you do not recognize established history, it is pointless to point out all of your logic flaws.

Anonymous said...

What is established history??? Didn't someone say history is written by the winners? Well I like to read History written by the losers, cause the only thing the oppressed and downtrodden have to fight back with is the truth....have you read Zinn? What do you think of his rendering of History? Can you find one thing he said in his People's History of the United States, that you find in error? He tells history from the viewpoint of the oppressed, what do you think of that?

Common Sense Joe said...

You say there was peace in the Middle East during Carter. When did Syria, Iraq, Iran sign peace treaties with Israel? Jordan waited til 1994.

I read Zinn had found him foolish.

MsAnthrope said...

People's History of the United States was a topic of discussion on Democracy Now a while back. It seems to be their "bible" Even Zinn himself admits his book is biased. He also leaves out anything that doesn't support his ideas.

Anonymous said...

Carter got Egypt to recognize Israel's right to exist and to broker the Peace between Arafat's PLO and other President as achieved as much, that's why they all won the Nobel Peace Prize, Carter really deserved it, with the Exception of Obama perhaps, we'll see, Carter has been far and away our greatest President since FDR at least as Foreign Policy is concerned. If Carter had been reelected, Iran would not have turned to radically hard right religious fanaticism (similar to radical hard right religious Christian fascism in our country) Reagan made secret deals and gave arms to Radical Iran, Reagan armed and gave millions to the Islamic fanatics, strengthening hard right radical Islamic conservatism and weakening the democratic liberals in Iran, all this to fund a secret and illegal war in Nicaragua. Only Democrats have brought Peace to the Middle East, Republicans have brought only war.

You call Zinn foolish and me illogical but you can never give even one example to back up your assertions, you denigrate Democracy Now yet you can't come up with one serious professional daily news program that is better than DN for complete factual news and serious comment and debates showing both sides of every issue.

At least MsAnthrope watches DN and reads Zinn, thus not deliberately remaining ignorant ...what Zinn said however was that all history is biased, you pick and choose what to talk about and what to leave out, Zinn chose to write about History including the historical truth of the slaughter of the Indians ... right wing Historian's write only about the discovery of new land by Columbus, not his slaughter of Indians that's we have a Columbus Day even though he was responsible for the brutal slaughter, torture and enslavement of tens of thousands of incredibly peaceful, meek and friendly Indian's, that got slaughtered because they would not convert to Christianity because of their meekness and ignorance of Eurpoean brutality and greed for gold.

The reason, MSAnthrope, that Zinn leaves out anything that contradicts the history of the oppressed, is because Zinn needs to be factual to call his work History based on actual documents, and reviewed and accepted by his peers. It's not Zinn's job to include "anything that doesn't support his ideas", Zinn is a historian not a journalist...its up to peer review to fault Zinn's work...and no serious Historian has ever contradicted anything written in a People's History of the US, because they agree it is accurate factual history, the only difference being with traditional history is that Zinn documents historical events concerning the People as well as those with power, traditional history only documents historical events of power, leaving out the history of the masses or majority of the people, like the massive slaughter of the Indians, the brutal and illegal treatment of union workers lobbying for socialism in America, JP Morgan's financing Hitler's Nazi movement, Henry Ford's sympathy with fascism, etc.

Common Sense Joe said...

It is amazing how you can ignore history. You say, "If Carter had been reelected, Iran would not have turned to radically hard right religious fanaticism." They did that under Carter.

Common Sense Joe said...

As for Zinn and Democracy Now, I do not pray to your Gods and do not wish to listen anymore to their sermons.

Facts, without context, is not truth.

And yet, you never said what the proportional response should be.

Anonymous said...

Yes I did respond to the Proportional Response, I said it was irrelevant, the only solution is for Israel to end the occupation and blockade, that is the only way to stop the legitimate resistance and put Hamas out of power, however now Israel and the USA have created so much hate and desire for revenge with their murder of thousands in Lebanon and Gaza bombings that I wonder how those people can ever forgive us? We probably need to implement a massive aid program along with the end of the blockade and occupation to have any hope they will forgive us and at last have some hope of sustainable peace.

No you are wrong on Carter, under Carter the Shah was overthrown by the Democratic resistance helped by the Islamic fanatics yet had Reagan not armed the religious right, the Iranian Democrats would have gained control not the religious right. Most of the Democrats who overthrew the Shah are in prison under the current Theocracy, they can't protest and resist anymore.

The religious right in America tried to take control under Bush but failed because Obama was elected, it could have happened here too, remember all the talk by the Republicans of putting God back into Government just like is the case in Iran. If Carter had been reelected he would not have armed the religious right in Iran and the Democrats in Iran would have installed a secular socialist government, but Reagan and the Republicans didn't want that, they hate socialism they much rather have religious tyrants, history is replete with examples, that's why our CIA destroyed democracy in Iran in 1954 to put in a tyrant that would obey our orders, history shows how this eventually backfires on us.

As far as Zinn and DN you can choose to remain deliberately ignorant but it is clear it is your choice no wonder your comments are so full of propaganda whether intentional or not you've been brainwashed by Limbaugh and O'Reilly and similar...wake up to free independent media and free your mind!!!

Common Sense Joe said...

That is not a response, that is a diversion. The Arabs definitely did not mean that when they said Israel response was not proportional.

Common Sense Joe said...

Again, you don't recognize history.
Reagan did not become President until 1981.

"The political system of the Islamic Republic is based on the 1979 Constitution. The system comprises several intricately connected governing bodies. The Supreme Leader of Iran is responsible for delineation and supervision of the general policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran.[75]"

You live in fantasy land where socialism brings Utopia.

Anonymous said...

I never said I wanted socialism, I've said in the past and say now I want capitalism with the rule of law and a government accountable to the people. Universal health care I think makes common sense, it's the most cost effective system that doesn't mean those who want good health care are socialists, we're just not duped like you who vote Republican. I and everyone I know on the left want freedom to entreprendre, freedom to create new businesses and technologies, yet we don't want genetically modified foods and mercury in our fish, we want regulations, we don't want incompetents making billion dollar bonuses at banks when they gamble our retirement investments...I don't want communism which you call socialism I want freedom with common sense, just like Dennis Kucinich and Russ Feingold , I want leaders like that running my country and my world, like I hope Barak Hussein Obama is, that's why I worked for him to get him elected, for justice and peace in the world, unlike you who worked for Palin.

You are so naive concerning Iran, the system there is based on fear (it's a police state) and rampant corruption and religious brainwashing...yet they have a strong socialist (not communist) resistance brewing that wants freedom and democracy if only we would let them obtain it instead of crushing it each time they have a chance to overthrow their tyranny. Republican policy has been really stupid arming and financing our enemies until they start biting the hand that stops feeding them, i.e., we were right to help the taliban against Russian oppression but stupid not to spend pennies on the dollar to help them with their economy afterwards which incubated the conditions i.e., poverty, for religious brainwashing that turned them against us when we left them to starve. To those of us who can think freely , we know that poverty is by far the greatest source, the root, of terrorism. You want to stop terrorism in Iraq, Afghanistan, Gaza, Africa etc you kill poverty. This is what Bill Gates , Buffet and Bill Clinton are trying to do, kill the root of terrorism , poverty, by their philanthropic initiatives.

Do you agree that poverty is the root of terrorism and that is where we should concentrate our efforts on fighting terrorism?

Do you agree that our actual bombings and even our threats on bombing the people who live in tyrannies keep their tyrants in power?

Common Sense Joe said...

According to the movie "Charlie's Wilson War", it was Murtha who cut resources to Afghanistan after the overthrow of the Soviets. So you can thank him.