Saturday, November 29, 2008

Poll Results:

How much will the gasoline tax be raised?
1-10 Cents 25%, 11-25 cents 25%, 51-99 cents 25%, 1 dollar or more 25% (1-1-1-1)

Under Obama at what income level will the tax be raised?
$250K (families)/$200 ind 60%,
$75K(fam)/$50K ind 16%,
$50K(fam)/$40K ind 16%, (4-1-1)

Do you agree with lifting the income threshold on Soc. Sec and Medicare
Yes 50%, No 50% (3-3)

How much total tax should you pay on income?
11-20% 33%,
31-40% 33%,
21-30% 22%
41-50% 11% (3-3-2-1)

Will Obama be able to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons?
NO 60%, Yes 40% (3-2)

Should Congress bail out the auto giants?
No 75%, Yes 25% (6-2)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how about

Should we raise the gasoline tax and put all the tax money directly towards clean energy and health care and by how much should we raise the tax.
tax until the final price is between 2 and 3 dollars/gallon
between 3 and 4 dollars /gal
between 5 and 6 dollars/gal
between 6 and 7 dollars/gal

another poll question I'd like to see is

Should we nationalize the following industries because they seem to work more to public interest under government control than under private control...yes or no.

The major Banks, the Fed, Citi, Bank of America..
The major Food Processing and agro companies, Cargill, Monsanto, Tyson
The big Oil Corporations ExxonMobil, Chevron and PhilipsConoco