Friday, September 5, 2008

Is the media biased? ABC News

9/3 Charles Gibson: Questions whether Palin is the most qualified of the other choices available to McCain. That is not the question. It is whether she is as qualified as Obama or Biden. The most qualified person may neither want to run nor be elected by the public.

9/3 Charles Gibson: Once again questions whether Palin is qualified. He remarks Obama was vetted through 18 months of campaining? How does campaing make you ready for the Presidency. Is this a sore spot for the media because they were not involved. If the American people choose to select or reject Palin, is that not sufficient.

9/2 Charles Gibson "John McCain is slowly making his way..." - Is this a way to reinforce McCain's age.

9/2 ABC news: Vetting questions: The MaCain campaign says it fully vetted Palin, why question its veracity? Do they think that a pregnant teenager and 22 year old DUI arrest by a spouse before marriage relevant to being a President?

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