Saturday, January 30, 2010

More Americans Trust Fox


PPP is a democratic leaning organization.

Our newest survey looking at perceptions of ABC News, CBS News, CNN, Fox News, and NBC News finds Fox as the only one that more people say they trust than distrust. 49% say they trust it to 37% who do not.

CNN does next best at a 39/41 spread, followed by NBC at 35/44, CBS at 32/46, and ABC at 31/46."

full results


dan said...

That's normal most Americans who watch Fox don't have the equivalent of a third grade education, 40 million Americans are functionally illiterate they are the ones watch Fox, like your tea party nazi movements and the like

dan said...

It seems to me there are three types of people who watch Fox

Voyeurs, mostly men who just want to see their news or propaganda read by scantily clad sexy women, men who don't care about the truth but watch Fox for eye candy only
Women and some men who don't want to know the truth about what's going on in the World, Women and some men who want to be told America only does good never anything bad, that convenience food made by their corporate sponsors is healthy for their children, that the rich deserve to be rich cause they earned it and the poor deserve to be poor cause they're lazy..etc
Fascists, people who'd like to see America become like Nazi Germany and there are a lot more people like this than you might imagine

I would like people who trust Fox to listen to this

dan said...

dan said...

I checked out the link and the quotation below is from the report you cited...I think this explains why very clearly why Fox is so trusted and why it's your preferred source of news and the polar opposite of Democracy Now.

“A generation ago you would have expected Americans to place their trust in the most
neutral and unbiased conveyors of news,” said Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy
Polling. “But the media landscape has really changed and now they’re turning more
toward the outlets that tell them what they want to hear.”

dan said...

Hitler came to power because he told the German people what they wanted to hear...we live in precarious times.