Monday, December 14, 2009

Gore: Polar ice may vanish in 5-7 years


This may or may not be true, but my question is what does the computer models say if you change the amount of C02 released into the atmosphere. Does cutting off all man-made emissions change anything or does the ice melt anyway? If the ice melting can be stop at well level to we need to reduce emissions to?

The problem with these models is that they don't reflect reality. Just like a mutual fund manager that got lucky one year, doesn't mean he will be accurate the next. What we need is predictions that can be tested for accuracy. After Katrina, they were all predicting more and bigger hurricanes, guess what, that didn't happen.

If Gore, G.E., Goldman Sachs, et al. are all trying to make money off of trading carbon emissions, does that reduce emissions or just make in more expensive for the consumer?

1 comment:

dan said...

We need to vote in a Congress that will give us 50% reductions by 2020 anything less is not enough