Thursday, September 24, 2009

Indoctrination: New Jersey School Kids Instructed to Sing Praises to Barack Obama

If this happen under Bush, all the wackos would say Bush was trying to start a fascist nation.

Another fine example of brainwashing by the left.

if you cant make it out - here is a version with subtitles

and just for fun an example of the Hitler youth


dan said...

sorry could not see last video because it is restricted to only viewing in the USA, apparently Americans don't want foreigners and ex pats to see this video too easily, anyway I get the message, Obama is Hitler and brainwashing our youth,... I wonder what kind of pressure Obama put on that teacher to make her do that? Does Fox have any info on that? She's obviously a black teacher which makes her sympathetic to the communists, does Fox have any info on her communist affiliations? America, under Obama, is becoming like North Korea!!! Thank God Fox is there to give us the truth! Funny DN is saying Obama not much different than Bush in policy making, he just gives America a better image to the rest of the World, but he's been bought and sold by big business least with Bush the World knew we were fascist (torture, 9/11 inside job, Abu Graib,...) with Obama the World is still hoping for change but not seeing much so far, just words no action...Obama blames congress for the no action, the Dems blame the Repubs for no action and the Repubs blame the media...yet no one blames the people who, according to the constitution, our laws, are in control???

Feingold in 2012 anyone!

Common Sense Joe said...

Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Castro, and Chavez probably didn't have to pressure teachers either.

If you change to words of the song to Bush or God the liberals would go crazy, that is how you know it is wrong to do.

dan said...

I'm not in agreement with the teacher, I'm just saying she did it on her own under no pressure from anyone,... Hitler, Mao, Stalin,...and to a lesser extent Nixon,Bush and Cheney actually scared the people into submission into not protesting,etc... remember Nixon allowing the National Guard to shoot the university students at Ohio State in the 60s, "four dead in Ohio" , under Bush and Cheney the police could beat journalists with no consequences, I have friends who worked in large corporations who pretended to be Republican just to keep their jobs, they were afraid of saying out loud what they really thought of Bush and Cheney, not for fear of going to prison to be tortured (unless you were muslim), like in Burma, but of losing their job, which is still not very supposedly the freest country in the world, I know many people on the left who were really afraid under Bush and Cheney, that they were no longer protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights and Habeas Corpus...I doubt anyone on the Right today has those fears with Obama as President.

Common Sense Joe said...

Although you and your friends fears were totally unjustified under Bush, the "Right" fear that "Team Obama" wants to turn this country into another Venezuela or Cuba.

dan said...

What has Obama done to justify those fears? So far he's doing more for the right then he is for the left?

Common Sense Joe said...

Have you not been paying attention to the blog? Take over of banks, auto industry, ACORN, SEIU, children being indoctrinated, government funds funnel to artists to support his program. The fawning left-wing media. His pushing the "stimulus" plan without giving lawmakers and citizens the change to read the bills.

dan said...

I'm sorry the bailout of the banks came from the Republicans more than from the Democrats though both guilty, yet the crisis was caused by the deregulation when Reagan came to crisis before Reagan, 3 major crisis after Reagan and deregulation. As for auto industry you want China making our cars?
As for the rest you are brainwashed Acorn is a great organization and funding artists costs nothing. Further the stimulus is no where big enough to stop crisis much more is needed according to Nobel laureate economists...Obama very conservative here.

Common Sense Joe said...

It amazing you forget totally about the disaster of the Carter administration.