Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Obama and the Wizard of ID

"Margaret Thatcher: Socialism Eventually Runs Out of Money"

"The problem with socialism is you eventually run out of other people's money"


Anonymous said...

That was funny!

Anonymous said...

and stupid because its because of unregulated capitalism we are now out of money...socialism works, it worked in the USA under Roosevelt and Kennedy and has worked in Europe and Japan since the end of WWII, it will work in the USA again under Obama I believe, if the hole Republicans and banks dug us into isn't too deep.

Anonymous said...

"Margaret Thatcher: Socialism Eventually Runs Out of Money"

"The problem with socialism is you eventually run out of other people's money"

Who plays more with other people's money the government or the banks? At least with gov't you can fire the politicians if they "play" too much with other people's money... with banks you can't. The real problem is criminality in high places , accountability, we need to hold the Bush criminals accountable, for war crimes and the bank and insurance criminals accountable and then will have justice for the people! and a capitalist system that works with social systems within it that work as well.