Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hamas seized food aid in Gaza: UN

Hamas seized food aid in Gaza: UN

"Hamas police in Gaza broke into a warehouse full of United Nations humanitarian supplies and seized thousands of blankets and food
parcels, a UN spokesman said on Wednesday"


MsAnthrope said...

Which they will probably sell on the black market to buy more rockets.

Anonymous said...

This smells like propaganda and a set up to me, I won't believe its true until a credible news source like Democracy Now, the Nation, Harpers, or sources on Information Clearing House investigates it....and even if true Hamas is just going to distribute it instead of the UN, so no big deal it still goes in the end to the Palestinian people! So I guess you all think we should stop giving aid to those stuck in the Gaza concentration camp, let them all starve in their Israeli imposed entrapment??? What are your solutions? tell them they no longer have a right to defend themselves against occupation and the stealing of their land and resources?