Thursday, December 11, 2008

Global Warming Update: More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims

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Without a Doubt

Despite last year's United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change declaration that climate change was "unequivocal, is already happening, and is caused by human activity," not all experts are convinced.

More than 650 international scientists are disputing those claims in a newly updated U.S. Senate Minority Report. It adds about 250 scientists to the 400 who spoke out last year — and includes current and former U.N. climate panel members.

Atmospheric Scientist Joanne Simpson writes, "Since I am no longer affiliated with any organization nor receiving any funding, I can speak quite frankly….As a scientist I remain skeptical."

U.S. Government Atmospheric Scientist Stanley Goldenberg says, "It is a blatant lie put forth in the media that makes it seem there is only a fringe of scientists who don't buy into anthropogenic,” that is man-made ‘global warming."

And from Nobel Prize Winner in physics Ivan Giaever — "global warming has become a new religion.""


Anonymous said...

Just more oil company funded propaganda when will you ever learn to discern truth from BS!!!

Anyway let's just assume for a minute that the fact that the World's icecaps are melting away at rates never before seen for millions of years and that the enormous increase in Ocean's acidity levels due to CO2 absorption killing off the choral reefs are natural and not caused by man's industrial activities and that the trillions of tons of additional CO2 man throws into the atmosphere artificially every year has no effect whatsoever on the climate, as your scientists claim, then OK fine all the work to have clean energy production is maybe futile since global warming is just a natural cycle that would occur anyway and we are doomed no matter what.

yet if your scientists are wrong and mine are right and global warming is man made than the longer we wait to make changes the worse the crisis will be , perhaps even so bad as to destroy all human life....

so for me it just makes Common Sense to believe my scientists because if they are wrong, the worst that will happen is we'll have cleaner air, water and mercury free fish, for making the necessary changes, yet if my scientists are right and yours are wrong and we don't do anything, all our children and grandchildren could be wiped out forever!!!

for me it just makes common sense to go with my scientists rather than yours because of the consequences no matter who is right or wrong!!!!

We win with cleaner air etc, if my scientist are wrong and we save most life on planet Earth if my scientists are right and we make the changes needed. We win either way.

If your scientist are right than we will be wiped out for natural cycles and we lose anyway, yet if they are wrong and we do nothing we destroy life on this planet out of plain stupidity and ignorance which our children and grandchildren will never forgive us for....assuming there's an afterlife or reincarnation.

So in the end its just makes common sense to go with my scientists whether right or wrong!

Common Sense Joe said...

Did you read U.S. Senate Minority Report? Or do you just ignore everything you don't agree as propaganda?

Your assumption we are doomed is invalid. It just means we just direct our resources to somewhere it would actually do some good. There are been times in history when there were no polar icecaps, but it is more likely we will return to an ice age.

You talk as if we have unlimited resources. Cleaner air may prevent some problems, but if the resources was diverted from Aids or Malaria cures, which could save millions, what would you choose? For any action there is a point of limited return. If they ice caps are going to melt because the sun get warmer or volcanic activity under the caps, no matter how little C02 man puts into the atmosphere, does it make sense to reduce C02? No. It would make more sense to build sea walls and move people out of areas that would be flooded. So siding with your scientists is not a "win-win" situation.

Anonymous said...

Joe if we don't reverse global warming the oceans will become so acidic there will be virtually no life left in them, half the world's population depends on fish to live. If we don't stop GM foods the soil will become so sterile we won't be able to grow any thing on land in the future...did you rent the dvd the future of food? rent it and watch it, it is very well done and very informative, it will point out clearly all the corporate propaganda and why they are deceiving us for short term profits that will have catastrophic long term consequences for everyone not just the poor. After you watch the documentary I dare you to find one thing in it that is not true!

As for your previous post that we may better direct our resources to build walls and stop malaria than stop throwing trillions of tons of man made CO2 in the atmosphere is faulty logic or thinking, it just means we may have to do both but the priority should be to stop the CO2 pollution as quickly as possible before it becomes irreversible or too late, once it is too late than we should start building the high walls, but at that point it could be futile...your reasoning for not wanting to stop global warming is totally irrational, you've yet to come up with something rational, which I don't understand since as far as I know you are not funded by oil money, so I don't understand you motivation to promote lies???

Common Sense Joe said...

You seem to refuse to accept the possibility that rising CO2 may not be the problem. Why hasn't the global temperatures risen in the last 10 years? More CO2 has been produced than ever before.

Anonymous said...

But global temperatures have risen in the last 10 years more than they ever have in the last 10000 years...that's why the glaciers are melting ...what do you think makes the glaciers melt? Only one thing higher temperatures....???? Why do you think the scientists are screaming STOP! For fun??? Why do you think even the Pentagon considers Global Warming our most serious national security issue today??? Wow you are really starting to worry really need to stop listening to fascists like Coulter and Limbaugh and listen to real news like Democracy Now!!! This is like the right wing nut cases saying we need to make war to have peace.

Common Sense Joe said...

What is your source for: "global temperatures have risen in the last 10 years more than they ever have in the last 10000 years?"

That statement contradicts what I have read. This year has been cooler than any in 40 years.

Anonymous said...

My sources are the same as Al Gore's, the Pentagon's, the EU's, Japan's, the new Obama administration's and the Democratic Congress, i.e., the climate scientists.

Common Sense Joe said...

How about a link?

MsAnthrope said...

This may or may not be the same link as Dan's but here it is anyway.

Common Sense Joe said...

Sorry, that doesn't say anything about temperatures in the last 8 years.

MsAnthrope said...

Try this one from last week then.

Common Sense Joe said...

That one says C02 has increased, but doesn't mention any temperature rise.

MsAnthrope said...

Well this comment sure sounds like a temperature rise to me.

"The region, the largest frozen peat bog in the world, had begun to melt for the first time since it formed 11,000 years ago. Scientists believe the bog could begin to release billions of tonnes of methane locked up in the soils, a greenhouse gas 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide. The World Meteorological Organisation recently reported the largest annual rise of methane levels in the atmosphere for a decade."

Anonymous said...

First thing you need to do to educate yourself on Global Warming is watch Al Gore's film, An Inconvenient explains well the temperature rise, second you can Google "global warming" and you"ll find lots of links like:

which has itself lots of other links...I hope the above helps you understand how temperatures have risen dramatically over the last few decades and that the real danger is preventing further rise, because we are just in the beginning yet we have to stop urgently before that point of no return, which if not already reached, is sure to be attained before 2020-50 according to most estimates, if we don't act immediately on reversing man made CO2 emissions,... fortunately new technologies like CO2 eating algae that could eat CO2 from coal plants and turn it into "green oil" looks very promising but we need to invest now in these research projects to get this stuff going now...hiding our head in the sand pretending the problem is not real is suicide for the human species and most other species on our planet...

Common Sense Joe said...

So far you haven't produced any links showing the in last 8 years that global temperatures have risen, despite the extra C02 produced.

I did watch Gore's emotional drivel with little facts "film".

His big charts showed the temperature and C02 rise in tandem. What he didn't tell you is that the temperature rose first followed by C02. Do you think that maybe a warmer planet, producing more plants that more animals could eat, might be that cause of the C02 rise?

MsAnthrope said...

Just which one of these words don't you understand?
"the LARGEST FROZEN peat bog in the WORLD, had begun to MELT for the FIRST TIME since it formed 11,000 years ago"

Common Sense Joe said...

That is LOCAL, not global.

MsAnthrope said...

You asked for something in the last 10 years...I gave you that..then you said the last 8 years...I gave you last week...then you said it said nothing about a rise in temperatures...I pointed it out to you say that was local not global.
Now I know what the problem is. "And from Nobel Prize Winner in physics Ivan Giaever — "global warming has become a new religion.""
And you want to be an atheist. So nothing I say will make a difference and I won't waste my time trying.

Common Sense Joe said...

I guess I didn't make myself clear. I wanted a link that said something about "global temperatures" rising in the last 8 to 10 years. All I find are links that say global warming peaked in 1998.